51   Artículos

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Cenk Budayan and Ozan Okudan    
Despite their promising potential, the level of implementation of smart contracts is not at the desired level. To expedite the acceptance and deployment of smart contracts, the barriers to the implementation of smart contracts should be revealed. Past st... ver más
Revista: Buildings    Formato: Electrónico

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Danjuma Abdu Yusuf, Jie Zhu, Sadiq Abdullahi Nashe, Abdullahi Muhammad Usman, Abdullahi Sagir, Adamu Yukubu, Abdulmalik Sule Hamma, Namadi Sharif Alfa and Abubakar Ahmed    
The significance of urban landscapes in the current era of concern for a sustainable built environment can never be overemphasized. The study explores the landscape features and typologies of some urban environments within Kano to understand the manageme... ver más
Revista: Urban Science    Formato: Electrónico

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Rossy Armyn Machfudiyanto, Windra Priatna Humang, Nurul Wahjuningsih, Insannul Kamil and Yanuar Yudha Adi Putra    
In Indonesia, the CoS for power supply increased from Rp. 1025 to Rp. 1334/KWh from 2016 to 2021, respectively; this indicates an inefficient process in electricity provision. One contributing factor to this inefficiency is the existence of many high spe... ver más
Revista: Infrastructures    Formato: Electrónico

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Indriana Widya Puspitasari, Fedri Ruluwedrata Rinawan, Wanda Gusdya Purnama, Hadi Susiarno and Ari Indra Susanti    
With the widespread application of digital healthcare, mobile health (mHealth) services are also developing in maternal and child health, primarily through community-based services, such as Posyandu in Indonesia. Patients need media for consultation and ... ver más
Revista: Informatics    Formato: Electrónico

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Ahmed Mansour Mohammad Gasmelseed,Melaku Mengistu,Dawit Asrat     Pág. 56 - 72
This study's primary purpose was to examine public institutions' TVET teachers' competence in Khartoum State and its challenges and opportunities. To this end, the study used an explanatory sequential mixed method design. The researchers used primary and... ver más
Revista: Invotec    Formato: Electrónico

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Hertanto Hertanto,Handi Mulyaningsih,Asep Nurjaman     Pág. 184 - 197
Indonesia is a heterogeneous country that requires an inclusive and tolerant attitude to live in harmony. However, with the implementation of direct elections in Indonesia, there are many hoaxes and black campaigns through the mass media. The purpose of ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Government and Civil Society    Formato: Electrónico

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Widyoretno Adiani,Atik Aprianingsih,Mustika Sufiati Purwanegara     Pág. 205 - 219
The use of non-cash transaction, which is currently popular in the public, has made the topic of a cashless society discussed more often. A cashless society is a condition where people transact without using cash money so that it leads to the process fro... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy    Formato: Electrónico

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Ramesh Gautam, Ram Bahadur Karki     Pág. 210 - 221
Socio-culturally and economically every rural community of Nepal are associated with forest for their livelihood and identity but simultaneously governmental policy for the protection of forest is not in the favor of people, which has been creating confl... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Environment    Formato: Electrónico

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Isti Budhi Setiawati, Teddy Trilaksono, Vanessa Aurelia     Pág. 343 - 360
For a large proportion of Indonesian people, owning a home is merely a dream, especially since house prices continue to rise. Consequently, an increasing number of low-income people (MBR) are not able to own their own homes. This has encouraged the Indon... ver más
Revista: Economics Development Analysis Journal    Formato: Electrónico

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Mohammed Jemal Ahmed     Pág. 300 - 318
Nowadays migration has become the hot issue of the world and Africa in general and Ethiopia in Particular. However, a due attention has been given for international migration. The internal rural-urban migration has got less attention. But, currently, the... ver más

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