Masashi Hayakawa, Yuriy P. Galuk and Alexander P. Nickolaenko
This paper addresses the accuracy of estimates for the contemporary level of global thunderstorm activity found from the synchronous records of integrated Schumann resonance (SR) intensity at two high-latitude observatories in the Northern and Southern h...
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Tobias Nießner, Stefan Nießner and Matthias Schumann
How can useful information extracted from unstructured data be used to contribute to a better prediction of corporate failure or bankruptcy? In this research, we examine a data set of 2,163,147 financial statements of German companies that are triple cla...
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Sarah Parkinson, Sophie Schumann, Amelia Taylor, Clare Fenton, Gavin Kearney, Megan Garside and Daniel Johnston
Previous studies have shown that autistic people often display atypical responses when processing sensory information, with particular prevalence within the auditory domain. Often provoked by common everyday sounds, auditory hypersensitivity can result i...
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Mustafa Pamuk and Matthias Schumann
Corporate credit ratings provide multiple strategic, financial, and managerial benefits for decision-makers. Therefore, it is essential to have accurate and up-to-date ratings to continuously monitor companies? financial situations when making financial ...
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Jarlath Molloy, Roger Teoh, Seán Harty, George Koudis, Ulrich Schumann, Ian Poll and Marc E. J. Stettler
The aviation industry has committed to decarbonize its CO2 emissions. However, there has been much less industry focus on its non-CO2 emissions, despite recent studies showing that these account for up to two-thirds of aviation?s climate impact. Parts of...
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Piero Diego, Jianping Huang, Mirko Piersanti, Davide Badoni, Zhima Zeren, Rui Yan, Gianmaria Rebustini, Roberto Ammendola, Maurizio Candidi, Yi-Bing Guan, Jungang Lei, Giuseppe Masciantonio, Igor Bertello, Cristian De Santis, Pietro Ubertini, Xuhui Shen and Piergiorgio Picozza
The aim of this work is to validate the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite 01 (CSES-01) Electric Field Detector (EFD) measurements through the analysis of the instrument response to various inputs: (a) geomagnetic field variations, (b) plasma density...
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Roger Teoh, Ulrich Schumann and Marc E. J. Stettler
Contrail cirrus introduce a short-lived but significant climate forcing that could be mitigated by small changes in aircraft cruising altitudes. This paper extends a recent study to evaluate the efficacy of several vertical flight diversion strategies to...
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Martin Röhlig, Ruby Kala Prakasam, Jörg Stüwe, Christoph Schmidt, Oliver Stachs and Heidrun Schumann
Optical coherence tomography enables high-resolution 3D imaging of retinal layers in the human eye. The thickness of the layers is commonly assessed to understand a variety of retinal and systemic disorders. Yet, the thickness data are complex and curren...
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Marco Angelini, Giuseppe Santucci, Heidrun Schumann and Hans-Jörg Schulz
Progressive Visual Analytics (PVA) has gained increasing attention over the past years. It brings the user into the loop during otherwise long-running and non-transparent computations by producing intermediate partial results. These partial results can b...
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Gonzalo Rincón-Llorente, Irene Heras, Elena Guillén Rodríguez, Erik Schumann, Matthias Krause and Ramón Escobar-Galindo
The optimisation of the specular reflectance of solar collectors is a key parameter to increase the global yield of concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. In this work, the influence of filtered cathodic vacuum arc deposition parameters, particularly wor...
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