Rakesh Dawar, Vishwanath Rohidas Yalamalle, Ram Swaroop Bana, Ramanjit Kaur, Yashbir Singh Shivay, Anil K. Choudhary, Teekam Singh, Samrath Lal Meena, Dunna Vijay, H. P. Vijayakumar, Vipin Kumar and Achchhelal Yadav
Little mallow (Malva parviflora L.) is a notorious weed that causes substantial yield losses in winter crops. For effective weed management and seed testing, a deeper understanding of seed dormancy, germination behavior, and dormancy-breaking methods is ...
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Kavita ., Vipin Kumar
Pág. Page:100 - 109Abstrac
Nitin Maurya,Vipin Kumar,Ramesh Patel,Hiranmay Mahanta,Anil Gupta
Pág. pp. 21 - 25 pgs.
all over India. The network has expanded into Latin America and Africa, as well as China, which has the largest database of grassroots innovations outside of India. ICTs will continue to help knowledge-rich, economically poor communities in shaping the d...
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Vipin Kumar, Shailendra Sharma, Shubham Kero, Shiveta Sharma, Amit K. Sharma, Mukesh Kumar, K. Venkataramana Bhat
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Chitra Sood, Shivani Jaggi, Vipin Kumar, SD Ravindranath, Adarsh Shanker
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