Amalia Moutsopoulou, Markos Petousis, Georgios E. Stavroulakis, Anastasios Pouliezos and Nectarios Vidakis
In this study, we created an accurate model for a homogenous smart structure. After modeling multiplicative uncertainty, an ideal robust controller was designed using µ-synthesis and a reduced-order H-infinity Feedback Optimal Output (Hifoo) controller, ...
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Yu Chen, Jianwan Ding, Yu Chen and Dong Yan
The introduction of a dynamic model in robot trajectory tracking control design can significantly improve its trajectory tracking accuracy, but there are many uncertainties in the robot dynamic model which can be dealt with through robust control and ada...
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Alireza Rezvanian, S. Mehdi Vahidipour and Ali Mohammad Saghiri
Artificial immune systems (AIS), as nature-inspired algorithms, have been developed to solve various types of problems, ranging from machine learning to optimization. This paper proposes a novel hybrid model of AIS that incorporates cellular automata (CA...
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Rong Li, Zhengliang Yang, Gaowei Yan, Long Jian, Guoqiang Li and Zhiqiang Li
This paper uses the adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) method to achieve optimal trajectory tracking control for quadrotors. Relying on an established mathematical model of a quadrotor, the approximate optimal trajectory tracking control, which consists ...
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Ivan Kostic, Aleksandar Simonovic, Olivera Kostic, Du?an Ivkovic and Dragoljub Tanovic
This paper presents the second stage of a tandem fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aerodynamic development. In the initial stage, the UAV was optimized by analyzing its characteristics only in symmetrical flight conditions. Posted requirements wer...
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Filippo Giorcelli, Sergej Antonello Sirigu, Giuseppe Giorgi, Nicolás Faedo, Mauro Bonfanti, Jacopo Ramello, Ermanno Giorcelli and Giuliana Mattiazzo
Among the challenges generated by the global climate crisis, a significant concern is the constant increase in energy demand. This leads to the need to ensure that any novel energy systems are not only renewable but also reliable in their performance. A ...
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Anna Rita Bernadette Cammerino, Michela Ingaramo and Massimo Monteleone
The European Parliament has recently passed the ?Nature Recovery? law to restore degraded ecosystems and prevent natural disasters as part of its ?Biodiversity Strategy 2030? and ?Green Deal?. In this respect, wetlands can provide a wide range of ecosyst...
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Jonathan Lancelot, Bhaskar P. Rimal and Edward M. Dennis
This paper is designed to explicate and analyze data acquired from experimental field tests of a Tesla Model 3 lane correction module within the vehicle?s Autopilot Suite, a component of Tesla OS. The initial problem was discovered during a nominal drive...
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Giacomo Zanetti, Giovanna Cavazzini and Alberto Santolin
This paper presents a numerical analysis of the influence of the von Karman vortex shedding at the blade trailing edge on the hydrodynamics of a recently installed small hydro Francis turbine manifesting very loud and high-frequency acoustic pulsations w...
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Weiwei Qi, Mingbo Tong, Qi Wang, Wei Song and Hunan Ying
In this research, the design of a robust curved-line path-following control system for fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (FWUAVs) affected by uncertainties on the latitude plane is studied. This is undertaken to enhance closed-loop system robustness un...
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