Mohamed Badhrudeen, Sybil Derrible, Trivik Verma, Amirhassan Kermanshah and Angelo Furno
This article presents a method to uncover universal patterns and similarities in the urban road networks of the 80 most populated cities in the world. To that end, we used degree distribution, link length distribution, and intersection angle distribution...
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C. Theiler, I. Furno, A. Kuenlin, Ph. Marmillod, and A. Fasoli
T. Intrator, X. Sun, L. Dorf, I. Furno, and G. Lapenta
D. Iraji, A. Diallo, A. Fasoli, I. Furno, and S. Shibaev
Kerry Kuehn, Jonathan Polfer, Joanna Furno, and Nathan Finke
Furno, I. Intrator, T. Torbert, E. Carey, C. Cash, M. D. Campbell, J. K. Fienup, W. J. Werley, C. A. Wurden, G. A. Fiksel, G.
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