Sergio Silva Braga Junior,Karina Tonelli Silveira Dias Junqueira,Dirceu da Silva,Sandra Cristina Oliveira
Pág. 204 - 222
Purpose: The objective of this research was to analyze the willingness to implement reverse logistics in supermarket retail.Methodology: Data were collected on the practice of reverse logistics from 18 supermarkets and using logistic regression to genera...
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Marcelo Luiz Dias Da Silva Gabriel,Dirceu Da Silva
Pág. 20 - 31
This study aimed to identify profiles of technology adoption amongst engineering and business management students based on Rogers' theory of diffusion of innovations and on Hirschman's studies of innovativeness, novelty seeking, creativity behavior and r...
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Marta Pagán Martínez,Karina Tonelli Silveira Dias,Sergio Silva Braga Junior,Dirceu da Silva
Pág. 150 - 165
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as práticas de logística reversa realizadas pelos supermercados do interior do Estado de São Paulo, e quantificar o volume de resíduos que deixam de ser descartados no meio ambiente. Para atingir o objetivo proposto...
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Carlos Alberto Xavier do Nascimento,Roberto Lima Ruas,Dirceu da Silva
Pág. 143 - 159
Nelson and Winter (2005) "An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change", as well as important contributions to organizational studies in general, provide the basis for a comprehensive debate about the concept of Organizational Routines. In this review, we h...
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Roberto Jorge Junior,Dirceu Da Silva,Roque Rabechini Junior
Pág. 88 - 101
This work has the objective to identify the factors and variables that make influence at sustainability of continuous improvement programs. It has done an exploratory study, by the quality analysis, with qualified experts in Lean Six Sigma methodologies ...
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Paulo Sergio Gonçalves de Oliveira,Dirceu da Silva,Luciano Ferreira da Silva,Maria Cristina Tecilla,Meire dos Santos Lopes
Pág. 488 - 502
Cristina Dai Prá Martens,Karoline Doro Alves Carneiro,Mauro Luiz Martens,Dirceu da Silva
Pág. 72 - 91
This paper aims to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and project management maturity in software firms. Initially, the literature concerning both matters has been approached. Then, a conceptual model which suggests that the ent...
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Eber Celoto Souza,Suzane Strehlau,Dirceu Silva,Vivian Iara Strehlau
Pág. 59 - 74
Sergio Silva Braga Junior,Dirceu da Silva,Evandro Luiz Lopes,Marcos Antônio Gaspar
Pág. 1 - 25
A preocupação ambiental influencia a intenção de compra para produtos verdes no varejo? Com o objetivo de avaliar se o consumidor apresenta intenção de compra para produtos verdes no varejo, no presente estudo buscou-se analisar a influência da preocupaç...
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Rogerio Quedas Riccardi,Dirceu Da Silva,Mauro Neves Garcia,George Bedinelli Rossi
Pág. 91 - 116