Yanuar Surya Putra,Ambar Istiyani,Uswatun Khasanah
Pág. p.136 - 143
Penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen untuk mengembangkan model ketahanan UMKM melalui peran digitalisasi dan praktek sumber daya manusia dengan kemampuan bersaing sebagai pemediasi. Oleh karena itu responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah UMKM...
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Budi Riyanti,Joko Pramono
Pág. p.144 - 153
Sebagian besar pelaku UMKM beranggapan bahwa laporan keuangan merupakan suatu hal yang sulit dan berbelit-belit. Menyikapi hal tersebut DSAK ? IAI merumuskan dan mengesahkan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan bagi Entitas Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (SAK EMK...
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Grace Natalia Marpaung, Etty Soesilowati, Yozi Aulia Rahman, Yustiko Arvan Gilang Pangestu, Tania Wicaksana
Pág. 86 - 95
In Central Java, one of supporting factors of regional economic growth viewed from regionalfacilities and infrastructures is toll road facilities. Transjawa toll road is a network that connectsseveral cities in Java. Particularly, this toll road connects...
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Mada Adi Wibowo,Rina Sari Qurniawati
Pág. p.67 - 79
Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Prestasi Kerja dengan Organization Citizenship Behavior (OCB) sebagai Variabel Moderating pada Tenaga Pendidik SMK Swasta Kota Salatiga. Dalam penelitian ini Organization Citizenship ...
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Tri Mulyaningsih(1), Dhian Adhitya(2), Amelia Choya Tia Rosalia(3), (1) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia (2) Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia (3) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Pág. 168 - 177
Sarah Wahidatun Niswah,Aprina Nugrahesthy Sulistya Hapsari
Pág. p.188 - 212
The purpose of this study is to look at the role of the internal auditors in dealing with risks from customer fundraising activities in PD.BPR Bank Salatiga has been running effectively and efficiently. Sup...
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Mada Adi Wibowo,Yanuar Surya Putra
Pág. p.27 - 36
The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of entrepreneurial competencies advantage and its implications for entrepreneurial performance. In this study competitive advantage is also positioned as an interve...
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Radius Tanone,Hendra Budi Prasetya
Pág. pp. 134 - 149
The development of food and beverage products increases over the years. The high level of food consumption led to the presence of new food and beverage brands produced in Salatiga. In accordance with this fact, Organoleptic Tests or in other words evalua...
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Teguh Ashari, Widiyanto Widiyanto, Arief Yulianto
Pág. 101 - 108
The high growth of Islamic Credit and Financing Union (KSPPS) in Indonesia encounters several problems, and one of which is financial performance. This study attempts to uncover the factors influencing financial performance of Islamic Credit and Financin...
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Eko Sediyono,Wahyuni Kristinawati,Mila Chrismawati Paseleng
Pág. pp. 20 - 29
Facts showed that many cases of sexual harassment and violence occurred to elementary school students, yet they did not have the knowledge, courage, and skills to withstand against the people who harmed them. Teachers should become a good mediator for th...
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