Tadashi Kawai
The phenology of the alga-dwelling amphipod Ceinina japonica Stephensen, 1933 (Amphipoda: Eophliantidae) was studied at Rishiri Island, Hokkaido, Japan, from May 2016 to March 2017. Seasonal shifting between the host algal species was confirmed through o...
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K T Mwepu, S J Lubbe, P L Crouse
Pág. 1 - 11
Hierdie studie behels die ontginning van gramhoeveelhede Li2CO3 uit Zimbabwiese petaliet, gemyn in die Bikita-gebied. Ekstraksie is gedoen met behulp van ammoniumbifluoried (ABF), vanaf kamertemperatuur tot 600oC. ABF-vertering vervang die konvensionele ...
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Matthew S. Glascock, Joshua L. Rovey and Kurt A. Polzin
Electric solid propellants are advanced solid chemical rocket propellants that can be controlled (ignited, throttled and extinguished) through the application and removal of an electric current. This behavior may enable the propellant to be used in multi...
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Nadine Schutte, S J Siebert, S P Bester, D M Komape, N Rajakaruna
Pág. 139
In ?n omgewing waar ?n metaal soos nikkel in oorvloed voorkom en beskikbaar is vir plante om op te neem, sal die plante soms die metaal akkumuleer. Oor die algemeen word die metaal egter eerder deur die plante uitgesluit. Dit is meestal op nikkelryk...
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Andi Muhammad Sadat; Mei-Lan Lin
Pág. 1 - 8
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia has an essential role in economic. Their existence appeared significant when the economy crisis in Asia 1997 and the world economic crisis in 2008. Therefore the existence of SMEs for business and so...
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G.-A. Park, S.-R. Ahn, Y.-J. Lee, H.-J. Shin, M.-J. Park, S.-J. Kim
Pág. 1869 - 1883
C Pandian, S Sosamma, M Kasinathan, C Babu Rao, N Murali, T Jayakumar, Baldev Raj, Manoj Kumar Saxena, S D V S J Raju, Rakesh Sharma and Sanjay Kher
Pág. 568 - 569
H.-J. Bau, Y.-J. Kung, J. A. J. Raja, S.-J. Chan, K.-C. Chen, Y.-K. Chen, H.-W. Wu, and S.-D. Yeh
Pág. 848 - 856
C.-Y. Yu, C. Chu, S.-J. Chou, M.-R. Chao, C.-M. Yeh, D.-Y. Lo, Y.-C. Su, Y.-M. Horng, B.-C. Weng, J.-G. Tsay, and K.-C. Huang
Pág. 1544 - 1549
Y.P. Li, G.P. Zhang, W. Wang, J. Tan and S.J
Pág. 117 - 120