57   Artículos

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Di Wang, Linlong Yang, Wei Li and Xidong Wang    
The combination of multi-phase extension and pre-existing fault reactivation results in a complex fault pattern within hydrocarbon-bearing basins, affecting hydrocarbon exploration at different stages. We used high-resolution 3D seismic data and well dat... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Guangrong Peng, Pei Liu, Weitao Chen, Zhensheng Li, Xiaomeng Wang, Zhiwei Zhang, Xuanlong Shan and Guoli Hao    
The Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) is located in the northern part of the South China Sea. The Palaeogene Wenchang Formation (Fm) was formed at the rift stage and contains the main source rocks. The migration of Wenchang subsidence centres in the western... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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María Josefina Pons,Juan Mendiberri,Martín Arce,Gerson Alan Greco,Telma B. Musso,María Lis Fernández,Natalia Hauser,Pamela Aparicio González     Pág. 93 - 126
The Sofía-Julia-Valencia vein system, located in the Andacollo mining district in central west Argentina, is hosted by ENE-WSW oriented strike-slip faults which are the result of reactivation of normal faults affecting Carboniferous to Jurassic rocks dur... ver más
Revista: Andean Geology    Formato: Electrónico

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Sophia Mitkidou, Nikolaos Kokkinos, Elissavet Emmanouilidou, Yusuf Yohannah, Thomas Spanos, Christina Chatzichristou and Antoaneta Ene    
The oil and gas industry is definitely considered the main contributor in the energy sector, acting as the lifeblood of our planet. However, environmental contamination by crude oil and petroleum products due to anthropogenic activities is of great conce... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Mohamed A. H. Sakr, Ali E. Omar, Antoaneta Ene and Mohamed Y. Hanfi    
Swelling soil leads to many types of constructional damages, deformations, and failures in the constructions? roads, shoulders, and foundations. Depending on the amount of swell, they can be insignificant, moderate, or massive. This paper presents a meth... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Teodor-Viorel Chelaru, Valentin Pana and Costin Ene    
The paper?s purpose is to present a calculus model for a testing vehicle that can be used to validate guidance, navigation and control systems for reusable launchers in all flight phases. The technical solution is based on a throttleable engine with thru... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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Popa Dorin, Prodan Doina, Varvara Simona, Popa Maria, Cuc Stanca, Sarosi Codruta, Moldovan Marioara, Ivan Raluca and Ene Razvan    
In this experimental study, the mechanical and adhesion properties of several hydraulic lime mortars incorporating graphene oxide (GO)-based nanomaterials were evaluated. Four different composite mortar samples were prepared by adding different percentag... ver más
Revista: Buildings    Formato: Electrónico

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Markos D. Tranos, Petros G. Neofotistos, Sotirios A. Kokkalas and Ghislain L. Tourigny    
One of the most critical stages in fault-slip data stress analysis is separating the fault data into homogeneous subsets and selecting a suitable analysis method for each subset. A basic assumption in stress tensor computations is that fault activations ... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Cristina Florentina Pelcaru, Mihaela Ene, Alina-Maria Petrache and Daniel Constantin Negu?    
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Razvan Pîrloaga, Dragos Ene and Bogdan Antonescu    
Tornadoes are associated with damages, injuries, and even fatalities in Europe. Knowing the spatial distribution of tornadoes is essential for developing disaster risk reduction strategies. Unfortunately, there is a population bias on tornado reporting i... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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