Erez Manor, Avrech Ben-David and Shlomo Greenberg
The use of RISC-based embedded processors aimed at low cost and low power is becoming an increasingly popular ecosystem for both hardware and software development. High-performance yet low-power embedded processors may be attained via the use of hardware...
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Salam Y. Abu-Zaitoun, Kottakota Chandrasekhar, Siwar Assili, Munqez J. Shtaya, Rana M. Jamous, Omar B. Mallah, Kamal Nashef, Hanan Sela, Assaf Distelfeld, Nawal Alhajaj, Mohammed S. Ali-Shtayeh, Zvi Peleg and Roi Ben-David
Aviad Shapira and Albert Ben-David
Arie Ben-David and Leon Sterling
Pág. 390 - 396
Yunis, R. Ben-David, A. Heller, E. D. Cahaner, A.
Pág. 302 - 308
Yunis, R. Ben-David, A. Heller, E. D. Cahaner, A.
Pág. 149 - 159
Ben-David, D.
Pág. 229 - 234