13   Artículos

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Chuang Yan and Ya Wei    
In-service Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements are subject to repeated dynamic loads from moving vehicles; thus, the actual stress generated in a PCC pavement may significantly differ from the static stress, which is normally used in the design and ... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Ali Aryo Bawono, Nen NguyenDinh, Janaki Thangaraj, Maximilian Ertsey-Bayer, Christoph Simon, Bernhard Lechner, Stephan Freudenstein and En-Hua Yang    
A modified strain-hardening cementitious composite (SHCC) material, fabricated using corundum aggregates (SHCC-Cor), has been proposed for roadway applications as it offers high structural performance and high skid resistance. However, the acoustic perfo... ver más
Revista: Acoustics    Formato: Electrónico

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Jingnan Zhao, Hao Wang, Pan Lu and Jiaqi Chen    
Pavement distresses are induced by mechanistic responses in pavement structure subjected to dynamic loads of moving vehicles. Pavement surface evenness deteriorates as pavement distresses propagate, which results in dynamic axle loads and faster pavement... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Mariusz Wesolowski and Pawel Iwanowski    
Airoport infrastructure development requires care to maintain it in proper technical condition. Due to this, airport pavements should be constantly monitored, and, above all, correctly managed. High-level airport pavement management requires access to re... ver más
Revista: Aerospace    Formato: Electrónico

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U. Shah Yogesh, S.S. Jain, Tiwari Devesh     Pág. 71 - 80
The Urban roads constitute about 9.0% (4.11 lakh kms) of the total road length in India. The urban roads especially in metropolitan cities carry a huge traffic volume which affects the road condition adversely. The other factors responsible for poor road... ver más
Revista: Transportation Research Procedia    Formato: Electrónico

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Dawid Rys, Jozef Judycki, Piotr Jaskula     Pág. 2382 - 2391
The new Polish Catalog of Typical Flexible and Semi-rigid Pavement Structures was introduced to use in practice in 2014. Much of works were focused on actualization of vehicles load equivalency factors. For this purpose data delivered from weigh-in-motio... ver más
Revista: Transportation Research Procedia    Formato: Electrónico

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Tim Martin, Lith Choummanivong     Pág. 2477 - 2486
Long-term pavement performance (LTPP) monitoring has been conducted in Australia for over 20 years. This research was funded by Austroads (representing federal, state and territory road agencies, local government and the New Zealand road agency) to promo... ver más
Revista: Transportation Research Procedia    Formato: Electrónico

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