Nuno Martinho, José-Paulo de Almeida, Nuno E. Simões and Alfeu Sá-Marques
Incorporating data stored in a geographical information system (GIS) within the development of hydraulic simulation models is crucial for operating, updating, and hence redesigning water supply systems (WSS). Building and updating hydraulic models can be...
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Rui Daniel Pina, Susana Ochoa-Rodriguez, Nuno Eduardo Simões, Ana Mijic, Alfeu Sá Marques, Cedo Maksimovic
Pág. 1 - 20
Urban stormwater models can be semi-distributed (SD) or fully distributed (FD). SD models are based on subcatchment units with various land use types, where rainfall is applied and runoff volumes are estimated and routed. FD models are based on the two d...
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Luísa Ribeiro, Joaquim Sousa, Alfeu Sá Marques and Nuno E. Simões
Nuno Eduardo Simões, Susana Ochoa-Rodríguez, Li-Pen Wang, Rui Daniel Pina, Alfeu Sá Marques, Christian Onof and João P. Leitão
It is a common practice to assign the return period of a given storm event to the urban pluvial flood event that such storm generates. However, this approach may be inappropriate as rainfall events with the same return period can produce different urban ...
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Telmo José Alves Gomes de Paula,Nuno Eduardo da Cruz Simões,José Alfeu Almeida de Sá Marques,Filipe Miguel Coelho Machado
Pág. 9 - 19
As inundações urbanas são, hoje em dia, um tema bastante atual em praticamente todos os países e, em particular, em zonas muito urbanizadas. Os danos por elas causados são, frequentemente, bastante graves, o que se afigura serem necessárias medidas preve...
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