Heriyanni Mashithoh,(Universitas TerbukaIndonesia)Andy Mulyana,(Universitas Terbuka)Rulyanti Susi Wardhani,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)
Pág. 134 - 141
The purpose of this research is to identify internal and external factors and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in developing halal ecotourism based on the empowerment of coastal communities in Bangka Belitung. Furthermore, a s...
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Cheng Zong, Kun Cheng, Chun-Hung Lee and Nai-Lun Hsu
The development of community ecotourism will require the integration of experience, culture, and information for management decision-making. We use a choice experiment to build a community ecotourism preference model incorporating aspects of profound exp...
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Ayu Fatonah Handayani
Pág. 83 - 92
Kawasan wisata PantaiSembukan merupakan potensi yang dapat dijadikan sektor unggulan di KecamatanParanggupito dan Kabupaten Wonogiri, namun sampai saat ini belum ada pengelolaan khusus.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, pe...
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John H. Hartig, Rebecca S. Robinson and Michael A. Zarull
In 2001, the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge was established based on the principles of conservation and sustainability. The refuge has grown from 49.1 ha in 2001 to over 2,300 ha in 2010. Agreement on a compelling vision for a sustainable fu...
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