Qanita Wahyu Millatina, Edi Suswardji Nugroho
Pág. 9 - 21
Pergerakan harga saham yang sulit ditebak, membuat investor harus berhati-hati untuk memilih perusahaan agar tidak mengalami kerugian yang besar. Namun dengan bantuan rasio keuangan investor dapat terbantu untuk menganalisis pertumbuhan perusahaan kedepa...
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Restu Ayuning Kusumawardhani, Edi Suswardji Nugroho
Pág. 120 - 130
Beralih nya model belanja dari konvensional menjadi digital yang mempengaruhi harga saham ritel berfluktuaktif. Profitabilitas menjadi salah satu alat ukur sukses nya perusahaan dalam menghasilkan keuntungan. Salah satu indikator yang digunakan yaitu ras...
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Yessi Panjaitan, Sarah Sitanggang, Keumala Hayati
Pág. 1138 - 1147
The purpose of this study is to determine the Total Asset Turnover, Return On Asset, Curent Ratio, and Earning Per Share on stock prices of manufacturing companies on the IDX. Any data required is official data from the annual financial report that comes...
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Inka Christiani Sinaga, Thomas Firdaus Hutahean
Pág. 1399 - 1406
The purposefof this study is to test and analyze the effect of Financial Leverage, Returnf On Assets, Net Profit Margin, and Current Ratio on Earning Per Share in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-20...
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Nicholas P. Sisto, Sergei Severinov and Gilberto Aboites Manrique
Drought poses significant risks to society, in particular irrigated-crop production, which accounts for a large share of global freshwater use. Given its key role in the production of food, feed and fiber crops, there exists a need for policy measures to...
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Bayu Wulandari, Mettania Kirana, Helnia Oktavia Sitanggang, Jayana Jayana
Pág. 401 - 409
This research was aimed to evaluate whether there is a Leverage, Total Assets Turnover, Earning per Share, Current Ratio, Profitability, and Firm Size have related to dividend policy of manufacturing companies which is registered on Indonesia stock excha...
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Bayu Wulandari, William Wijaya, Veronika Winata, Kathy Kathy, Lise Septani
Pág. 464 - 476
The purpose of this research is to carry out analysis regarding the influence of Operating Cash Flow Growth, Inflation, Earning per Share Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, and Current Ratio on Stock Returns in building, property, and real estate construction ...
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Frieska Septiany, Suhono Suhono
Pág. 140 - 151
This study aimed to analyze the effect of Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Earning per share (EPS) on stock prices either partially or simultaneously in the Ceramic, Porcelain and Glass Sub-Sector Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2012-2018 perio...
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Jamel Eddine Mkadmi
Pág. 9 - 28
This paper examines the comparative efficiency of Islamic banks and conventional commercial banks in Bahrain during the period 2005?2011 with respect to profitability. Eight financial ratios are used in measuring this performance. Applying Student?s t-te...
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Annisa Nauli Sinaga, Michael Michael, Yuliyani Yuliyani
Pág. 137 - 146
The stock price is determined by the supply and demand of the stock itself. The higher the purchase of these shares the stock price tends to move up and vice versa if more and more are selling these shares the stock price will usually tend to decrease. T...
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