43   Artículos

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Othmane Merah, Purushothaman C. Abhilash and Mohammed Lotfi Gharnaout    
Revista: Agronomy    Formato: Electrónico

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Kamaludin Kamaludin,Sri Wahyuningsih     Pág. 16 - 27
AbstractThe objective of this research was to obtain a theoretical concept related to a strategic plan for business capital management for shallot farmers using rainfed lowland planting media. This research used a qualitative research method with the mai... ver más
Revista: Jurnal Economia    Formato: Electrónico

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Evie Dwi Labora Bancin,Kamaluddin Lubis,Nuril Mahda     Pág. 17 - 25
Filler merupakan material pengisi dalam lapisan aspal. Pada penelitian ini Tanah merah digunakan sebagai Filler yang lolos saringan No.200 pengganti semen yang umum digunakan pada campuran lapisan aspal. Kekuatan campuran ini adalah pada agregat- agregat... ver más
Revista: Journal of Civil Engineering; Building and Trasportation    Formato: Electrónico

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Ni Wayan Arya Utari     Pág. 30 - 37
Penanganan pasca panen cabai merah yang masih sangat minim dan kurangnya pengetahuan petani terhadap teknologi pasca panen akan memicu resiko kemunduran kualitas cabai merah yang lebih tinggi dan tingkat penerimaan oleh konsumen. Salah satu metode pasca ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Science and Applicative Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Kamaludin Kamaludin, Sri Wahyuningsih     Pág. 1 - 12
This research aims to know the condition of venture capital as well as to know the management of business capital and the profit generated by shallot farmers who use rain-ed rice fields. This research uses qualitative research methods with the focus of r... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economic; Bussines and Accounting (COSTING)    Formato: Electrónico

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Mohammed I. M. Ali,Mian Mobeen Shaukat,Nesar Merah,Sulaman Pashah     Pág. 18 - 32
Product repurposing is a self-serving, self-rewarding sustainable behavior. It has been around ever since people began to create and acquire objects. However, very few studies have been conducted on product repurposing, and there is no typology of it in ... ver más
Revista: Journal on Innovation and Sustainability    Formato: Electrónico

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Fidellis Wato Tholok     Pág. 37 - 44
Hari Raya Imlek atau yang biasa dikenal sebagai festival musim semi merupakan saat yang paling ditunggu-tunggu kedatangannya tidak hanya oleh masyarakat yang termasuk dalam keturunan Tion Hoa di Indonesia, tetapi juga oleh para pedagang bahkan pebisnis s... ver más
Revista: eCo-Buss    Formato: Electrónico

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Ali Mursid     Pág. in press
Abstract This study aims to investigate the effects of positive and negative sentiment on impulsive buying behavior among Indonesia people based on the theory of stimulus organism response (S-O-R). First, it examines how COVID-19 information, information... ver más
Revista: Journal of Economics, Business & Accountancy    Formato: Electrónico

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Exze Erizilina,Prijanto Pamoengkas,Darwo Darwo     Pág. 68 - 74
Failure in degraded forest rehabilitation was caused by using chosen species without pay attantion on site characterictics. Species selection by looking at site limiting factor, will increase success in degraded forest rehabilitation. This research aims ... ver más
Revista: Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management    Formato: Electrónico

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Jane Roche, Zephirin Mouloungui, Muriel Cerny and Othmane Merah    
Field experiments were carried out at the Regional Centre of Experimentation in Organic agriculture at Auch (near Toulouse, South west of France). Due to the high potential applications for its oil components such as fatty acids and phytosterols, safflow... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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