Tiziana De Filippis, Leandro Rocchi, Giovanni Massazza, Alessandro Pezzoli, Maurizio Rosso, Mohamed Housseini Ibrahim and Vieri Tarchiani
Emerging hydrological services provide stakeholders and political authorities with useful and reliable information to support the decision-making process and develop flood risk management strategies. Most of these services adopt the paradigm of open data...
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Giovanni Massazza, Maurizio Bacci, Luc Descroix, Mohamed Housseini Ibrahim, Edoardo Fiorillo, Gaptia Lawan Katiellou, Geremy Panthou, Alessandro Pezzoli, Maurizio Rosso, Elisa Sauzedde, Andrea Terenziani, Tiziana De Filippis, Leandro Rocchi, Sara Burrone, Maurizio Tiepolo, Théo Vischel and Vieri Tarchiani
Niamey, the capital of Niger, is particularly prone to floods, since it is on the banks of the Niger River, which in its middle basin has two flood peaks: one in summer (the red flood) and one in winter (the black flood). In 2020, the Niger River in Niam...
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Ramona Magno, Tiziana De Filippis, Edmondo Di Giuseppe, Massimiliano Pasqui, Leandro Rocchi and Bernardo Gozzini
A drought-monitoring and forecasting system developed for the Tuscany region was improved in order to provide a semi-automatic, more detailed, timely and comprehensive operational service for decision making, water authorities, researchers and general st...
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