Yuan Wei, Renliang Chen, Ye Yuan and Luofeng Wang
This study assesses the influence of engine dynamic characteristics on helicopter handling quality during hover and low-speed forward flight. First, we construct the helicopter?engine coupling model (HECM) based on the power-matching relationship between...
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Xufei Yan, Ye Yuan and Renliang Chen
This paper studies the pilot control strategy and workload of a tilt-rotor aircraft dynamic conversion procedure between helicopter mode and fixed-wing mode. A nonlinear flight dynamics model of tilt-rotor aircraft with full flight modes is established. ...
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Pan Zhou, Renliang Chen, Ye Yuan and Cheng Chi
The aerodynamic interference between the different components of quad-tiltrotor (QTR) aircraft were considered to analyze its influence on trim characteristics. A comprehensive method with the fixed-wake model was developed for multiple aerodynamic inter...
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