Trika Agnestasia Tarigan
Pág. 71 - 76
Longshore sediment transport is one of the main factors influencing coastal geomorphology along the Krui Coast, Pesisir Barat of Lampung. Longshore sediment transport is closely related to the longshore current that is generated when waves break obliquel...
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Liutauras Marcinauskas, ?ydrunas Kavaliauskas, Kamile Jonynaite, Rolandas Uscila, Mindaugas Aikas, Skirmantas Ker?ulis, Antanas Strak?ys, Arunas Stirke and Voitech Stankevic
A gliding arc discharge (GAD) plasma device has been developed and tested. Possible applications areas for GAD plasma could be microalgae suspension treatments and the creation of plasma-activated water. To understand its behavior, the influence of the i...
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Audrey Maria Noemi Martellotta, Daniel Levacher, Francesco Gentile and Alberto Ferruccio Piccinni
The reduction in the usable capacity of reservoirs, which is linked to the ongoing silting phenomenon, has led to the need to remove sediments to allow the storage of greater quantities of water resources. At the same time, however, the removal of sedime...
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Jakob Benisch, Björn Helm, Xin Chang and Peter Krebs
The European Union Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC; WFD) aims to achieve a good ecological and chemical status of all bodies of surface water by 2027. The development of integrated guidance on surface water chemical monitoring (e.g., WFD Guidance D...
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Devendra M. Amatya, Timothy J. Callahan, Sourav Mukherjee, Charles A. Harrison, Carl C. Trettin, Andrzej Walega, Dariusz Mlynski and Kristen D. Emmett
Hydrology and meteorological data from relatively undisturbed watersheds aid in identifying effects on ecosystem services, tracking hydroclimatic trends, and reducing model uncertainties. Sustainable forest, water, and infrastructure management depends o...
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Ádám Nádudvari, Agnieszka Czajka, Bartlomiej Wyzga, Marcin Zygmunt and Marcin Wdowikowski
Our research introduces the river regulation effects on three sections of the upper and middle Odra River (south-western Poland), with differently channelized parts. In the upper and lower reaches, the river was straightened, narrowed, and trained with g...
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Oliver Schlömer and Jürgen Herget
Local scour holes are erosional bed structures that are related to different scientific disciplines in Earth science and hydraulic engineering. Local scouring at naturally placed boulders is ubiquitous, but many competing factors make it difficult to iso...
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Katharine B. Miller and Courtney M. Weiss
Migration phenology influences many important ecological processes. For juvenile Pacific salmon, the timing of the seaward migration from fresh to marine waters is linked to early marine survival and adult returns. Seaward migration phenology is determin...
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Radu Drobot, Aurelian Florentin Draghia, Nicolai Sîrbu and Cristian Dinu
Droughts are natural disasters with a significant impact on the economy and social life. Prolonged droughts can cause even more damage than floods. The novelty of this work lies in the definition of a synthetic drought hydrograph (SDH) which can be deriv...
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Yao Li, Liang Qin, Dezheng Yang, Li Zhang and Wenchun Wang
In this paper, the packed bed dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) with needle-plate electrode configuration is presented to study the effects of electrical parameters, such as pulse duration and pulse rising and falling time, on discharge characteristics ...
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