Wessel J Pienaar
Pág. 14 - 13
Hierdie artikel bied ?n oorsig van liggingsaspekte van spoorvervoereindpunte wat die lewering van winsgewende goederespoordienste kan ondersteun. Aangesien spoorvervoer tot vaste roetes beperk is en ?n stasie-tot-stasie-diens eerder as ?n diens...
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J. Marx
AbstractA retail pharmacist who wishes to ensure the long-term survival of his or her business in a free enterprise system must make the pharmacy's profitability the prime objective. In South Africa, the profitability of retail pharmacies and, thus, of t...
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Narendra Bhana
AbstractThere appears to be a widespread belief among investors that growth companies and growth stocks are identical. The objective in this article is to determine if the shares of high growth companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) pr...
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H. Hacquebord,P. H. Van Den Berg
AbstractThe objectives of this article are to relate Quality Assurance to the profitability of the organization, to investigate the history and identify the scope of Quality Assurance and to develop a model that illustrates why the management of product ...
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P. D. Gerber
AbstractThe size of a building society's branch office can have a significant influence on its profitability. In this article a model for an optimal size branch office is established on the basis of three criteria, i.e. the ability of the branch office t...
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André Louw
AbstractGrowth and survival strategies for farming enterprises. The cost-push inflation situation during recent years has forced the farmer to consider the survival objective to be as important as the growth objective. These objectives are related. Any f...
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