1.844   Artículos

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Piotr Lis     Pág. 2 - 6
Dear Readers,I have the pleasure of presenting to you the first issue of our research journal entitled ?Research Papers in Economics and Finance? (REF), published by the Faculty of Economics at Poznan University of Economics and Business. Caring about th... ver más
Revista: Research Papers in Economics and Finance    Formato: Electrónico

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Rita Miciuliene,Virginija Kargyte     Pág. 315 - 331

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Vytautas Pilipavicius     Pág. 234 - 244
JEL Codes: M21, O13, O32, Q13.

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Stase Navasaitiene,Rasa Rukui?iene,Elena Kuchko,Irina Levickaya     Pág. 552 - 561
business are starting varify in civil economy according social networks, stimulation of partnership and innovation, orientation to inter-sectoral activities.JEL Codes: H49, H55, O33, P46.

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Yuriy Hubeni,Vitaliy Boyko     Pág. 297 - 307

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Kristina Balkiene,Jonas Jagminas     Pág. 16 - 24

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Yuliya Zaloznova, Nataliia Trushkina     Pág. 27 - 36
Performance features of coal mining enterprises in terms of organization of the marketing activity have been studied, including: constant fluctuations of the market of coal products; economic sensitivity to the irregular demand for coal (surplus or defic... ver más
Revista: Research Papers in Economics and Finance    Formato: Electrónico

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CUYA Thamar M.,DAYRIT Amayna Shaene C.,CUYA-ANTONIO Olive Chester,PASCUAL Marilou P.,FRONDA Jennifer G.     Pág. 113 - 120
Graduate education plays a significant role in the development and the economy of the nation. Therefore, it is significant to evaluate the program it offers as they provide relevant contributions to their graduates? knowledge, skills, and ability in the ... ver más
Revista: IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Dian Fajarika, Rizqa Ula Fahadha, Intan Mardiono, Nur Miswari     Pág. 26 - 34
Shallot is superior vegetable commodity in which the demand has a tendency to increase. The growth of demand for commodity is in line with the growth of population  in Indonesia. Shallot is included in 7 (seven) basic foodstuffs targeted by Ministry... ver más
Revista: Journal of Science and Applicative Technology    Formato: Electrónico

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Dragan Pamucar, Nikola Kne?evic, Dragana Macura, Boban Ðorovic    
Research Question: The paper explores the problem of defining the number of required employees and their skills, as well as optimizing the work time. Motivation: Motivation for this paper arises from the fact that an organizational structure of business ... ver más
Revista: Management    Formato: Electrónico

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