Ridzal Hasim
Nowadays due to strong competition in the business environment, only those organizations are successful that they can use the most innovative and successful ways for advertisement to attract their consumers? attention to the products or services that the...
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Wenny Hojas-Mazo, Francisco Maciá-Pérez, José Vicente Berná Martínez, Mailyn Moreno-Espino, Iren Lorenzo Fonseca and Juan Pavón
Analysing message streams in a dynamic environment is challenging. Various methods and metrics are used to evaluate message classification solutions, but often fail to realistically simulate the actual environment. As a result, the evaluation can produce...
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Tse-Chuan Hsu
With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) in recent years, many IoT devices use communication systems to transmit data. Data packets are inevitably at risk of tampering during data transmission, which can lead to information errors and d...
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Azizah Assiri and Hassen Sallay
Opportunistic mobile social networks (OMSNs) have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of social media and smartphones. However, message forwarding and sharing social information through intermediary nodes on OMSNs raises privacy c...
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Bing Su and Jiwu Liang
With the innovation of wireless communication technology and the surge of data in mobile networks, traditional routing strategies need to be improved. Given the shortcomings of existing opportunistic routing strategies in transmission performance and sec...
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Qasem Abu Al-Haija and Ahmed Al-Tamimi
Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) is the future of aviation surveillance and traffic control, allowing different aircraft types to exchange information periodically. Despite this protocol?s advantages, it is vulnerable to flooding, denia...
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Xin Liao and Khoi D. Hoang
Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems (DCOPs) are an efficient framework widely used in multi-agent collaborative modeling. The traditional DCOP framework assumes that variables are discrete and constraint utilities are represented in tabular form...
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Fang Ren, Xuan Shi, Enya Tang and Mengmeng Zeng
To protect the security of medical images and to improve the embedding ability of data in encrypted medical images, this paper proposes a permutation ordered binary (POB) number system-based hiding and authentication scheme for medical images, which incl...
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Ihtisham Khalid, Vasilis Maglogiannis, Dries Naudts, Adnan Shahid and Ingrid Moerman
Cooperative communications advancements in Vehicular-to-Everything (V2X) are bolstering the autonomous driving paradigm. V2X nodes are connected through communication technology, such as a short-range communication mode (Dedicated Short Range Communicati...
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Hanyue Xu, Kah Phooi Seng, Jeremy Smith and Li Minn Ang
In the context of smart cities, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to the proliferation of AIoT systems, which handle vast amounts of data to enhance urban infrastructure and services. However, the co...
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