Gerard Andonian, Nathan Burger, Nathan Cook, Scott Doran, Tara Hodgetts, Seongyeol Kim, Gwanghui Ha, Wanming Liu, Walter Lynn, Nathan Majernik, John Power, Alexey Pronikov, James Rosenzweig and Eric Wisniewski
The recently demonstrated concept of the plasma photocathode, whereby a high-brightness bunch is initialized by laser ionization within a plasma wakefield acceleration bubble, is informally referred to as Trojan Horse wakefield acceleration. In a similar...
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Soe Thandar Aung, Nobuo Funabiki, Lynn Htet Aung, Safira Adine Kinari, Mustika Mentari and Khaing Hsu Wai
The Flutter framework with Dart programming allows developers to effortlessly build applications for both web and mobile from a single codebase. It enables efficient conversions to native codes for mobile apps and optimized JavaScript for web browsers. S...
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Lynn Donelson Wright and Bruce Graham Thom
The shape of the coast and the processes that mold it change together as a complex system. There is constant feedback among the multiple components of the system, and when climate changes, all facets of the system change. Abrupt shifts to different state...
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Aubrey Lynn McCutchan and Blair Anne Johnson
The ice-ocean interface is a dynamic zone characterized by the transfer of heat, salinity, and energy. Complex thermodynamics and fluid dynamics drive fascinating physics as ice is formed and lost under variable conditions. Observations and data from pol...
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Regina Maria Cunha Leite, Ingrid Winkler and Lynn Rosalina Gama Alves
The construction industry is undergoing a digital transformation, with the goal of developing long-term solutions that promote construction companies? alignment with market demands and that empower them to reduce production losses as much as possible. Th...
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Patricia Takako Endo, Guto Leoni Santos, Maria Eduarda de Lima Xavier, Gleyson Rhuan Nascimento Campos, Luciana Conceição de Lima, Ivanovitch Silva, Antonia Egli and Theo Lynn
Public health interventions to counter the COVID-19 pandemic have accelerated and increased digital adoption and use of the Internet for sourcing health information. Unfortunately, there is evidence to suggest that it has also accelerated and increased t...
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Frank T. Acot, Jr., Recca E. Sajorne, Nur-Ayn K. Omar, Peter D. Suson, Lynn Esther E. Rallos and Hernando P. Bacosa
Plastic pollution in the ocean is an emerging environmental concern in the Philippines. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of macroplastics, composition of plastic litter, and the clean-coast index (CCI) of urban and rural beaches in ...
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Hansong Tang, Charles Reid Nichols, Lynn Donelson Wright and Donald Resio
Coastal ocean flows are interconnected by a complex suite of processes. Examples are inlet jets, river mouth effluents, ocean currents, surface gravity waves, internal waves, wave overtopping, and wave slamming on coastal structures. It has become necess...
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Malika Bendechache, Sergej Svorobej, Patricia Takako Endo, Adrian Mihai and Theo Lynn
Simulation has become an indispensable technique for modelling and evaluating the performance of large-scale systems efficiently and at a relatively low cost. ElasticSearch (ES) is one of the most popular open source large-scale distributed data indexing...
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Maicon Herverton Lino Ferreira da Silva Barros, Geovanne Oliveira Alves, Lubnnia Morais Florêncio Souza, Elisson da Silva Rocha, João Fausto Lorenzato de Oliveira, Theo Lynn, Vanderson Sampaio and Patricia Takako Endo
Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne infectious disease caused by organisms in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) complex. In many low and middle-income countries, TB remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Once a patient has been diagnosed with ...
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