Mohammad A. Hossen, Jeff Connor and Faisal Ahammed
There are more than 260 transboundary rivers in the world, which are sometimes the cause of conflict. Therefore, management of these rivers is important not only for the economy but also for harmony and peace. Various methods are followed to resolve wate...
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Vellayati Hajad,Susetiawan Susetiawan
Pág. 71 - 88
AbstractThe purpose of this work are to explore the role of ideological diffusion in the creation and maintenance of GAM 's political hegemony after the Aceh War 2005-2020 and to consider how the practice of command and control were reflected when GAM wo...
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Jennifer L. Kent
Pág. 271 - 293
Ongoing advances in technologies of connectivity have strengthened our capacity to envision urban environments less dominated by private car use. Yet many cities remain attached to, and defined by, the automobile. In challenging this status quo, we must ...
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Karin Barac,Pieter Conradie,Rene L. de Klerk
AbstractOrientation: Conventional accounting education is presented from a business perspective that rationalises the prioritisation of shareholder interests. Such a paradigm, viewed as the hegemony of business, fails to deliver on the emancipatory inten...
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Josinete de Carvalho Bezerra
Pág. 769 - 781
O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a expansão da dominação capitalista e avanço do conservadorismo em busca de hegemonia exercida por meio da construção de passividade, via implementação de políticas sociais focalizadas ecompensatórias para atender ...
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Manuel González de Molina
Pág. 187 - 203
There is a growing consensus that the dominant food regime is not viable and that there is a serious risk of food collapse. Building a food system based on sustainability is therefore an urgent task. For years, agroecology has been develop...
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Sávio Silva de Almeida,Cristina Pereira de Araújo
Pág. 839 - 857
O presente ensaio tem como objetivo analisar o aprofundamento da mercantilização do direito à moradia, sob a hegemonia neoliberal. A metodologia empregada envolve uma extensa revisão de literatura com vistas a contribuir com os estudos sobre a ...
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Marcia Leopoldina Montanari Corrêa,Wanderlei Antônio Pignati,Marta Gislene Pignatti,Francco Antônio Neri de Sousa Lima
Pág. 11 - 27
A exposição aos agrotóxicos demanda a ação integrada de prevenção, vigilância e controle na redução das consequências à saúde. O estudo analisou as ações dos agentes governamentais e da sociedade civil na implementação das políticas públicas de saúde e a...
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Pág. 27 - 55
This study describes the women carrier labor resistance movement in Yogyakarta towards the dominance and hegemony done by other classes in the social structure of the market environment. This study uses a qualitative method with phenomenological approach...
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Clara Irazábal
Social housing movements in Brazil, whose majority members are part of Brazil?s precariat or lowest-income class, are courageously pressing for true urban reform in Brazil, whose old promise has been systematically delayed and subverted, even by some of ...
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