Mirza Sikalo, Almira Arnaut-Berilo and Adela Delalic
Comparing portfolio performance is complex due to the fact that each model is dominant in its own risk space. Since there is no single dominant performance measure, the research problem is how to incorporate several different measures into a performance ...
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Mohamed Assaf, Mohamed Hussein, Sherif Abdelkhalek and Tarek Zayed
Off-site construction (OSC) is an innovative construction method that transfers most of the site-based work to a more controlled environment. Construction waste minimization, speedy schedules, higher sustainability, and better quality are some of the per...
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Jaroslaw Brodny and Magdalena Tutak
Dynamic changes in the global economy, resulting from the implementation of the Industry 4.0 concept, cover practically all areas of life. They mainly concern companies that need to adapt to these changes as soon as possible in order to face growing comp...
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Ye Mei, Juanjuan Peng and Junjie Yang
Hesitant fuzzy sets (HFSs), which were generalized from fuzzy sets, constrain the membership degree of an element to be a set of possible values between zero and one; furthermore, if two or more decision-makers select the same value, it is only counted o...
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Sheng-Li Si, Xiao-Yue You, Hu-Chen Liu and Jia Huang
Performance analysis is an important way for hospitals to achieve higher efficiency and effectiveness in providing services to their customers. The performance of the healthcare system can be measured by many indicators, but it is difficult to improve th...
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