D M van Wyk, A Bekker, J T Ferreira, M Arashi
Pág. 134
Rigtingstatistiek dra by tot die ontginning van betekenisvolle resultate in ?n wye reeks navorsingsvelde, insluitend meteorologie en geologie. Anders as in die lineêre wêreld word datapunte uitgedruk as rigtings in twee of meer dimensies wat rondom ?n ge...
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Fanni Vörös, Márton Pál, Benjamin van Wyk de Vries and Balázs Székely
The aesthetic beauty of a landscape is an integral value reflected in artistic inspiration. Science, in contrast, tries to quantify the landscape using various methods. Of these, geodiversity indices have been found to be a useful approach, and this geom...
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Lize-Mari van Wyk,Nicolene Wesson
AbstractOrientation: Executive remuneration remains a controversial topic. A major concern is the perceived misalignment of executive remuneration with company performance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) represent the strategic focus areas that drive ...
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Milan Van Wyk,Danie Coetsee
AbstractOrientation: IFRS 15 Revenue from Contract with Customers replaced the industry-specific financial reporting standard IAS 11 Construction Contracts, becoming effective on or after 1 January 2018. Construction is regarded as a complex industr...
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Christiaan Lamprecht,Hendrik A. van Wyk
AbstractOrientation: Annual financial statements are normally prepared based on the going concern assumption that a company will continue to exist in the foreseeable future and that it has neither the intention nor the need to enter liquidation or to cea...
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Candice van Wyk, Francien Susanna Botha, Robert Vleggaar, Jacobus N Eloff
Pág. 66 - 70
In a random screening of the anti-Candida activity of more than 500 tree species, the acetone leaf extract of Ptaeroxylon obliquum (Thunb.) Radlk. (Sneezewood) had very good antifungal activity against Candida albicans. We isolated the compound...
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L T Van Wyk, I Strydom, Darren L Riley
Pág. 144 - 145
Depressie is ?n algemene tog ernstige en lewensbedreigende gemoedsversteuring wat gepaard gaan met gevoelens van swaarmoedigheid, hartseer en wanhoop. Volgens die Wêreldgesondheidorganisasie (WGO) word 350 miljoen individue geaffekteer deur depressi...
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Linda van Zyl,Danielle van Wyk
AbstractSection 164(3) of the Tax Administration Act No. 28 of 2011 gives a senior SARS official the discretion to suspend the payment of disputed tax or a portion thereof, having regard to relevant factors. Limited guidance is available in this regard. ...
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Adriaan J. Reinecke, Sophia A. Reinecke, Mia van Wyk
Pág. 11 bladsye
Landfarming is used in southern Africa as a tool to dispose of contaminants in the petrochemical industry. A historically landfarmed site was identified at a petroleum refinery where the sludge deposited on the site consisted of a mixture of oil and...
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Mantombi Bashe, Mercy Shuma-Iwisi, Michael Anton van Wyk
Portfolio theory is used to evaluate the cost and risk of the South African electricity generation portfolio in a bid to find out how were the costs and risks of the South African electricity generation portfolio managed following the 2007 and 2008 load ...
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