Paolo Teofilatto, Stefano Carletta and Mauro Pontani
This papers introduces an analytic method to define multistage launcher trajectories to determine the payload mass that can be inserted in orbits of different semimajor axes and inclinations. This method can evaluate the gravity loss, which is the main t...
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Pedro Orgeira-Crespo, Guillermo Rey, Carlos Ulloa, Uxia Garcia-Luis, Pablo Rouco and Fernando Aguado-Agelet
The design of a vehicle launch comprises many factors, including the optimization of the climb path and the distribution of the mass in stages. The optimization process has been addressed historically from different points of view, using proprietary soft...
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Lorenzo Casalino, Andrea Ferrero, Filippo Masseni and Dario Pastrone
Hybrid rocket engines are a green alternative to solid rocket motors and may represent a low-cost alternative to kerosene fueled rockets, while granting performance and control features similar to that of typical storable liquid rocket engines. In this w...
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