83   Artículos

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Evelina Maria Oliveira Coutinho and Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira    
The pandemic marked the beginning of a succession of events on a global scale (not the least of which is a greater concern for the environment and for quality of life/distance work) with a major impact on the economy. Innovation plays a key role in meeti... ver más
Revista: Administrative Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Catarina Palma, Artur Ferreira and Mário Figueiredo    
The presence of malicious software (malware), for example, in Android applications (apps), has harmful or irreparable consequences to the user and/or the device. Despite the protections app stores provide to avoid malware, it keeps growing in sophisticat... ver más
Revista: Information    Formato: Electrónico

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Nuno Marques de Almeida and Adolfo Crespo    
The frequency and severity of natural or human-induced disaster events, such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, pandemics, hazardous material spills, groundwater contamination, structural failures, explosions, etc., as well as their impacts, have... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Francisca Lanai Ribeiro Torres, Luana Medeiros Marangon Lima, Michelle Simões Reboita, Anderson Rodrigo de Queiroz and José Wanderley Marangon Lima    
Streamflow forecasting plays a crucial role in the operational planning of hydro-dominant power systems, providing valuable insights into future water inflows to reservoirs and hydropower plants. It relies on complex mathematical models, which, despite t... ver más
Revista: Water    Formato: Electrónico

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Valeria Mercuri, Martina Saletta and Claudio Ferretti    
As the prevalence and sophistication of cyber threats continue to increase, the development of robust vulnerability detection techniques becomes paramount in ensuring the security of computer systems. Neural models have demonstrated significant potential... ver más
Revista: Algorithms    Formato: Electrónico

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Faeiz Alserhani and Alaa Aljared    
With the increased sophistication of cyber-attacks, there is a greater demand for effective network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) to protect against various threats. Traditional NIDS are incapable of detecting modern and sophisticated attacks due to... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Merve Ozkan-Okay, Refik Samet, Ömer Aslan, Selahattin Kosunalp, Teodor Iliev and Ivaylo Stoyanov    
The fast development of communication technologies and computer systems brings several challenges from a security point of view. The increasing number of IoT devices as well as other computing devices make network communications more challenging. The num... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Avinash Singh, Richard Adeyemi Ikuesan and Hein Venter    
The growing sophistication of malware has resulted in diverse challenges, especially among security researchers who are expected to develop mechanisms to thwart these malicious attacks. While security researchers have turned to machine learning to combat... ver más
Revista: Computers    Formato: Electrónico

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Liang Chen, Yuyi Yang, Zhenheng Wang, Jian Zhang, Shaowu Zhou and Lianghong Wu    
Underwater robot perception is a critical task. Due to the complex underwater environment and low quality of optical images, it is difficult to obtain accurate and stable target position information using traditional methods, making it unable to meet pra... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Yeudy F. Vargas-Alzate, Ramon Gonzalez-Drigo and Jorge A. Avila-Haro    
Several methodologies for assessing seismic risk extract information from the statistical relationship between the intensity of ground motions and the structural response. The first group is represented by intensity measures (IMs) whilst the latter by en... ver más
Revista: Infrastructures    Formato: Electrónico

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