José Manuel Porras, Juan Alfonso Lara, Cristóbal Romero and Sebastián Ventura
Predicting student dropout is a crucial task in online education. Traditionally, each educational entity (institution, university, faculty, department, etc.) creates and uses its own prediction model starting from its own data. However, that approach is ...
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Juan Antonio Araiza-Aguilar, María Neftalí Rojas-Valencia, Hugo Alejandro Nájera-Aguilar, Rubén Fernando Gutiérrez-Hernández and Carlos Manuel García-Lara
In this study, the operation of a final disposal site for municipal solid waste in the state of Chiapas, in Mexico, was evaluated. Several spatial analyses and Geographic Information Technology (GIT) tools were used. It was found that the site?s current ...
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Manuel Bou-Cabo, Guillermo Lara, Paula Gutiérrez-Muñoz, C. Saavedra, Ramón Miralles and Víctor Espinosa
Over the last decade, national authorities and European administrations have made great efforts to establish methodological standards for the assessment of underwater continuous noise, especially under the requirements set by the Marine Strategy Framewor...
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Manuel Lara, Juan Garrido, Mario L. Ruz and Francisco Vázquez
This paper deals with the control problems of a wind turbine working in its nominal zone. In this region, the wind turbine speed is controlled by means of the pitch angle, which keeps the nominal power constant against wind fluctuations. The non-uniform ...
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Manuel Alejandro Trejo-Letechipia, David Arturo Rodriguez-Sanchez, Reyna Berenice González-González, Alberto Isaac Perez-Sanpablo, Ana María Arizmendi-Morquecho, Tania E. Lara-Ceniceros, Jose Bonilla-Cruz and Jorge Armando Cortes-Ramirez
Ricardo Rosales, Manuel Castañón-Puga, Felipe Lara-Rosano, Josue Miguel Flores-Parra, Richard Evans, Nora Osuna-Millan and Carelia Gaxiola-Pacheco
Technology has become a necessity in our everyday lives and essential for completing activities we typically take for granted; technologies can assist us by completing set tasks or achieving desired goals with optimal affect and in the most efficient way...
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Karen Pérez Torresa,Manuel Alonso Dos Santos,Margarita Pérez Lara,Erick Leal Matamala
Pág. 69 - 78
The purchase decision process and the factors that determine the intention of final consumers is has become a growing concern on mobile phone services companies. The objective of this research is to describe the factors that explain purchase intent in th...
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Juan Carlos Lara, Manuel Martínez, Pablo Viollier
El sistema legal chileno ha enfrentado la problemática de la conducta delictiva por medios digitales de manera inconsistente. Por una parte, ha dispuesto la sanción de conductas necesariamente vinculadas a la presencia de tecnologías de forma reactiva y ...
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Hugo Escobar, Nelson Lara, Yubinza Zapata, Camilo Urbina, Manuel Rodriguez, Leonardo Figueroa
Pág. 597 - 607
The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of saline-boron stress on the vegetative growth, dry leaf weight, water potential (?w), relative water content, and leaf and root B and Cl- contents in 8 accessions of olive. Rooted one-year-old plant...
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Fátima Medina-Lara, Ileana Echevarría-Machado, Ramón Pacheco-Arjona, Nancy Ruiz-Lau, Adolfo Guzmán-Antonio, and Manuel Martinez-Estevez
Pág. 1549 - 1554