8   Artículos

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Alessandro Roncaglia     Pág. 3 - 9
Il lavoro introduce agli atti di un convegno tenuto presso l?Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei nel dicembre 2020, di celebrazione del cinquantesimo anniversario dello Statuto dei lavoratori: una riforma che costituisce un importante progresso nello sviluppo... ver más
Revista: Moneta e Credito    Formato: Electrónico

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Ricardo Souza Araujo,Marcos Pereira Diligenti     Pág. 585 - 599
Este artigo objetiva fazer um balanço histórico das políticas neoliberais na América Latina, a partir dos casos do Brasil e do Chile nas últimas quatro décadas. Valendo-se do método dialético e de análise bibliográfica, verifica que neoliberalismo&n... ver más
Revista: Revista de PolÍ­ticas Públicas    Formato: Electrónico

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Remedios Ramón-Dangla     Pág. 85 - 100
The Wage Guarantee Fund (FOGASA) is a public institution in Spain that pays, up until the limit, labor credits to workers affected by a dismissal when the employer is bankrupt, which has been influenced by the policy of spending cuts as any other public ... ver más
Revista: Revista Finanzas y PolÍ­tica Económica    Formato: Electrónico

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Sanzidur Rahman    
This paper determines the influence of agroecological, land-elevation and socioeconomic factors in the raising of different types of livestock in Bangladesh using nationwide sub-district level data from two Agriculture and Livestock Censuses of 1996 and ... ver más
Revista: Agriculture    Formato: Electrónico

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Alexandr Narmaevich Komandzhaev,Evgeny Alexandrovich Komandzhaev,Valery Vladimirovich Batyrov     Pág. 229 - 233
The article analyses changes in the social structure of the Kalmyk society in the late 19th ? early 20th century under the influence of the reform of 1892 that abolished personal dependence of commoners from the nobility. The authors examined the reasons... ver más
Revista: International Review of Management and Marketing    Formato: Electrónico

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Elmas Demircioglu Karabiyik     Pág. 66 - 86
The Chinese economy has reached approximately average annual growth of 9% after economic reform era that began in 1978. This economic development miracle resulted from by exploiting the economic potential of internal factors in a complimentary external e... ver más

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Sarbapriya Ray     Pág. 54 - 70
This paper estimates productivity performance of India?s energy intensive industries in terms of total factor productivity growth for the entire period, 1979-80 to 2003-04. The productivity performance has been judged in view of translog indices under th... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Esteve Sanromà Meléndez (Universidad de Barcelona e Instituto de Economía de Barcelona)    
En esta crisis económica el mercado de trabajo español ha generado paro a un ritmo superior al de todos los países de la OCDE, alcanzando la tasa también más elevada. La causa más inmediata de ello es la masiva destrucción de empleo. Este diferencial de ... ver más
Revista: Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época    Formato: Electrónico

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