Cindy Ayu Lestari, Anggi Pasca Arnu
Pág. 531 - 539
The purpose of training is to improve employee competence, so that employees who have inadequate abilities or skills can be provided with training, are friendly in order to boost employee performance to be better. So it means that training and talent com...
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nasikh nasikh
Pág. 443 - 457
In order to implement the food sustainability and sovereignt, the sustainable fishing development has to be carried out. The research problem is how to analyze to sustain land conservation after the implementation of the Law number 23 in 2014 Pasuruan Re...
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Irham Iskandar(1), (1) Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Daerah Istimewa Aceh, Indonesia
Pág. 24 - 32
Geoff Dixon,Danya Hakim
Pág. 119 - 169
While many countries have decentralized budget spending in the last decade, few have tried to do so as quickly and as ambitiously as Indonesia. The 2001 ?sink-or-swim? decentralization largely abolished the hierarchical relationship between the center, p...
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