Lisa Gusmanita,Nury Effendi,Rudi Kurniawan
Pág. 18 - 32
Abstract: The global economic turmoil on domestic economy was seen in 1997/1998 crisis which led to Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia implementing Inflation Targeting (IT). Empirically, IT was able to reduce foreign...
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Pieter-Henk Boer,Elias Munapo,Martin Chanza,Issaah A. Mhlanga
AbstractOrientation: Exchange market pressure (EMP) is the selling pressure of domestic currency or excess demand needed for foreign currency.Research purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyse EMP using extreme value theory (EVT) and to...
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Siti Romida Harahap
Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ Krisis nilai tukar Indonesia tahun 1997/1998 menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan nilai tukar yang sangat tajam sehingga menambah beban utang luar negeri yang didominasi oleh perusah...
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