Lars Radtke, Georgios Bletsos, Niklas Kühl, Tim Suchan, Thomas Rung, Alexander Düster and Kathrin Welker
In the last decade, parameter-free approaches to shape optimization problems have matured to a state where they provide a versatile tool for complex engineering applications. However, sensitivity distributions obtained from shape derivatives in this cont...
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Peter Marvin Müller, Georgios Bletsos and Thomas Rung
The contribution is devoted to combined shape- and mesh-update strategies for parameter-free (CAD-free) shape optimization methods. Three different strategies to translate the shape sensitivities computed by adjoint shape optimization procedures into sim...
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Martin Gehrke and Thomas Rung
This technical paper outlines the predictive performance of a recently published dynamic cumulant lattice Boltzmann method (C-LBM) to model turbulent shear flows at all resolutions. Emphasis is given to a simple strategy that avoids a frequently observed...
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Nils Koliha, Christian F. Janßen and Thomas Rung
Christian F. Janßen, Dennis Mierke, Micha Überrück, Silke Gralher and Thomas Rung