Pág. 353 - 355
Toni Ardyanto,Anton Respati Pamungkas
Game is one of the entertainment that is loved by a wide variety of backgrounds ranging from children to adults. According to App Annie one type of game that is much in demand to play is a adventure game genre. Selected as entertainment because the...
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Andrea González
La historia del jardín en la cultura china se remonta a la historia de las dinastías Shang y Zhou y continúa a lo largo de las dinastías Qin, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming y Qing hasta la llegada de la República China y la República Popular de China.Los va...
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Roger Pàez i Blanch
Pág. 116 - 123
El mapa se ha venido utilizado habitualmente como documento que representa la realidad de manera objetiva y pretendidamente neutra. Sin embargo, el mapa no sólo representa, sino que construye la realidad de manera concreta, a partir de una selecció...
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Roger Paez i Blanch
Pág. 155 - 157
Maps have generally been used as documents that represent reality in an objective and allegedly neutral way. Maps do not just represent reality, however, they also construct it in a specific way. They activate a limited selection of parameters which allo...
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Alfonso Aguilera, Rodrigo Neculmán, Ramón Rebolledo
Pág. 81 - 88
In La Araucanía, the filbert aphid Myzocallis coryli (Goeze) is a pest that can cause various types of damage to hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) including reduction in nut size and nut emptiness. M. coryli can also leave hazel leaves susceptible to the fu...
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Constance Bodurow
Pág. 19 - 26
Detroit has a wealth of empty space, though little intelligence or understanding of it. There is a global, morbid fascination with Detroit?s emptiness. The media and design disciplines have mythologized it in imagery, and obsessively mapped and quantifie...
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Jerzy Chmiela, Damian Slota and Janusz Szala
Pág. 421 - 428