Emi Ita Bonita Simatupang, Veronica Yulinar Ernita, Bonifasya Silalahi, Dina Rosalina, Maya Sabirina Panggabean
Pág. 905 - 914
Economic conditions in Indonesia are currently in a fairly good development period, this can be seen from the number of companies that are growing and continuing to develop, one of which is manufacturing companies. This study uses a sample of 95 property...
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Ninta Katharina, Graccella Graccella, Andy Putra, Vinny Vica Yoanna
Pág. 391 - 400
Returnl Onl Assetl (ROA) is one of the variable which is used to see the capability of a company in order to obtained profit from the assets that it owns. The purpose of this research is to see the effect of Sales Growth, Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ra...
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Irma Citarayani,Hermin Sirait,Saminem Saminem,Melani Quintania
Pág. p.255 - 265
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pertumbuhan Penjualan dan Leverage Terhadap Profitabilitas pada perusahaan Manufaktur sub sektor Logam dan Sejenisnya. Profitabilitas pada penelitian ini diukur dengan proksi Return On Assets. Penelitian...
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Bayu Wulandari, Veronika Marsaulina Lumbantoruan Lumbantoruan, Jelita Wanna Naibaho, Winna Regina, R. Chairuddin Zufriansyah, Frenki Okto
Pág. 156 - 166
The amount of assets owned by the company is the value of the size of the company. This study aims to test whether company size, asset structure, sales growth, profitability and current ratio have an influence on the capital structure of manufacturing co...
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Debora Silitonga, Putri Delima S.I Siregar, Rijal Siahaan, Andi Pranata Ginting, Rosmita Sari Siregar
Pág. 356 - 362
The stock price is the price of a stock that occurs on the stock market, at a certain time determined by the market actor and determined by the demand and supply of the shares concerned in the capital market. This study aims to examine the effect of earn...
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Agus Putranto, M. Trihudiyatmanto
Pág. 169 - 175
Penelitianoini bertujuanountuk mengetahuiofaktor-faktor determinan yang dominan dalam mempengaruhi peluang untuk mendapatkan pendanaan eksternal pada UMKM di Kabupaten Wonosobo. Fokus penelitian ini yaitu peluang UMKM sektor industri makanan di Kabupaten...
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Winarno Winarno,Lina Nur Hidayati,Arum Darmawati 10.21831/economia.v11i2.7957
Pág. 143 - 149
Abstrak: Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Profitabilitas Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pangsa pasar (market share), leverage, intensitas modal, pertumbuhan penjualan dan total ...
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Baqarina Hadori,Bambang Sudibyo 10.21831/economia.v10i1.4094
Pág. 48 - 64
Abstrak: Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Finansial Perusahaan, Kualitas Auditor, Dan Kualitas Perekonomian Terhadap Opini Audit (Going Concern). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh faktor keuangan dan faktor non-keuangan terhadap pemberian opini a...
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