Yuting Bai, Yijie Niu, Zhiyao Zhao, Xuebo Jin and Xiaoyi Wang
The phenomenon of algal bloom seriously affects the function of the aquatic ecosystems, damages the landscape of urban river and lakes, and threatens the safety of water use. The introduction of a multi-attribute decision-making method avoids the shortco...
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Zhibing Hu, Yong Pang, Ruichen Xu, Hui Yu, Yuan Niu, Changgan Wu and Yuan Liu
Systematic evaluation of water environment carrying capacity (WECC) is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development, which reflects the water environment comprehensive condition of lake basin under the current economic development scenario. There...
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Yuke Li, Yan Li, Hanfei Yang, Quan Hong, Guoyao Huang and Giri Kattel
As one of the world?s four Greater Bay Areas, the Guangdong?Hong Kong?Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) faces many environmental challenges along with rapid economic development, causing significant degradation of aquatic ecosystems. However, there is limited...
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Junan Lin, Qianqian Liu, Yang Song, Jiting Liu, Yixue Yin and Nathan S. Hall
The accurate forecast of algal blooms can provide helpful information for water resource management. However, the complex relationship between environmental variables and blooms makes the forecast challenging. In this study, we build a pipeline incorpora...
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Marvin F. Li, Patricia M. Glibert and Vyacheslav Lyubchich
Harmful algal blooms (HABs), events that kill fish, impact human health in multiple ways, and contaminate water supplies, have increased in frequency, magnitude, and impacts in numerous marine and freshwaters around the world. Blooms of the toxic dinofla...
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Tsu-Chuan Lee and Clark C. K. Liu
Algal bloom in a freshwater lake is a rapid increase of aquatic plants, which disrupts the ecological balance and its potential for beneficial uses. This problem has been managed by relating the trophic levels of a lake with nutrient loading. This tradit...
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Suna Chong, Heesuk Lee and Kwang-Guk An
The objective of this study was to establish a technique to predict the occurrence of algal bloom and the algal-derived taste and odor compounds 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) and geosmin using a three-dimensional (3D) model that could reflect the complex ph...
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Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Tammy Lee, Vanessa Rose and Stephen M. Bollens
Eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs has contributed to an increase in the magnitude and frequency of harmful cyanobacterial blooms; however, the interactive effects of nutrient availability (eutrophication) and other abiotic and biotic drivers have ra...
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Jing Li, Ronghua Ma, Kun Xue, Yuchao Zhang and Steven Loiselle
Column integrated algal biomass provides a robust indicator for eutrophication evaluation because it considers the vertical variability of phytoplankton. However, most remote sensing-based inversion algorithms of column algal biomass assume a homogenous ...
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Yu-Ting Bai, Bai-Hai Zhang, Xiao-Yi Wang, Xue-Bo Jin, Ji-Ping Xu and Zhao-Yang Wang
As a typical phenomenon of eutrophication pollution, algal bloom threatens public health and water security. The governance of algal bloom is largely affected by administrators? knowledge and experience, which may lead to a subjective and one-sided decis...
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