Agung Koes Indarto,Radite Purwahana,Souma Lado Syahputra
Pág. HAL. 195 - 206
Toko optik kunanti merupakan salah satu bisnis yang menjual produk kacamata dengan berbagai jenis produk kacamata sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan. Toko optik kunanti didirikan oleh Almarhum Bapak Sugianto pada tahun 1980 yang sekarang di lanjutkan oleh Ibu Na...
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Erni Widarti,Agung Koes Indarto,Aditya Primahardika
Pág. HAL. 119 - 132
Salah satu fungsi yang ada di Polresta Surakarta maupun Polsek jajarannya adalah Sentra Pelayanan Kepolisian Terpadu (SPKT) yang bertugas memberi pelayanan berupa penerimaan laporan. Penerimaan laporan dan pengolahan data di SPKT Jajaran Polsek di Polres...
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Indarto Indarto,Elida Novita,Sri Wahyuningsih,Nur Defitri Herlinda,Entin Hidayah
Pág. 626 - 640
Baseflow is an important component affecting the availability of water in the river during the dry season. Availability of water in the dry season is useful for water resources management. This research aims to test and to compare six recursive digital f...
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D Jayus Nor Salim,Wisnu Sanjaya,Anton Respati Pamungkas,Agung Koes Indarto
Pág. HAL. 62 - 70
Salah satu cara meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pada fasilitas publik yaitu dengan sistem antrian. Metode pengembangan sistem ini adalah model prototyping. Metode ini menekankan pada pencarian model yang sesuai bagi sistem yang akan dikembangkan. Sistem ...
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Lathifa Putri Afisna,Wibawa Endra Juwana,Indarto Indarto,Deendarlianto Deendarlianto,Fellando Martino Nugroho
Pág. 73 - 80
Qualified and preserved water is declining due to metal, waste, and hazardous chemicals contamination. Demand on fresh water raises and leads to the efforts on processing waste water with effective and efficient technology. Microbubble generator technolo...
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Agung Koes Indarto,Rahajeng Ratnaningsih
Utilization of information technology is very useful in helping management and payrolladministration transaction data at the outlet as at the pump level is very high transaction if only donemanually it is very vulnerable to the occurrence of fraud becaus...
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Tjandra, D.,Indarto, .,Soemitro, R.A.A.
Pág. 114 - 119
Seasonal change causes variations in soil moisture content. On expansive soil, this condition influences soil moisture content in the active zone, which is approximately in five meters depth. The water content variation induces the changes in soil charac...
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