Gonzalo Durán, Miguel Condori
Se realiza un estudio analítico y computacional para determinar la velocidad y la temperatura del flujo de aire producido en el interior de un diseño de secador solar propuesto. En este estudio se considera la variación de la densidad del aire con la tem...
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Luis Durán Rojo
Pág. 5 - 16
El artículo analiza los alcances de la aplicación del principio de causalidad para la determinación de la renta neta imponible a efectos de aplicar el impuesto a la renta empresarial.Se parte de establecer que dicho principio es aplicable a erogacio...
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Alper Taner, Mahtem Teweldemedhin Mengstu, Kemal Çagatay Selvi, Hüseyin Duran, Ibrahim Gür and Nicoleta Ungureanu
Having the advantages of speed, suitability and high accuracy, computer vision has been effectively utilized as a non-destructive approach to automatically recognize and classify fruits and vegetables, to meet the increased demand for food quality-sensin...
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Bilgin Metin, Sefa Duran, Eda Telli, Meltem Mutlutürk and Martin Wynn
In today?s technology-centric business environment, where organizations encounter numerous cyber threats, effective IT risk management is crucial. An objective risk assessment?based on information relating to business requirements, human elements, and th...
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Carolina Bracho-Villavicencio, Helena Matthews-Cascon, Marc García-Durán, Xavier Vélez, Nicola Lago, Laura Busquier and Sergio Rossi
Suitable colonization materials are a pursued target in marine restoration programs. Known for making nutrients available while reducing pollutants and the risk of pathogens in terrestrial ecosystems, Biochar and Bioferment materials of organic origin we...
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Miguel-Ángel Rangel-Sánchez, José-De-Jesús Urbina-González, José-Luis Carrera-Escobedo, Omar-Alejandro Guirette-Barbosa, Virgilio-Alfonso Murillo-Rodríguez, José-María Celaya-Padilla, Héctor-Antonio Durán-Muñoz and Oscar Cruz-Domínguez
The PDCA (Plan?Do?Check?Act) cycle, coupled with supplementary quality tools like 5W + 2H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How, How much), three-legged five-why analysis, control charts, and capability analysis, serves as a potent strategy in the automotive...
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Solange Parra-Soto, Samuel Duran-Aguero, Francisco Vargas-Silva, Katherine Vázquez-Morales and Rafael Pizarro-Mena
The World Health Organization has defined collective violence as the instrumental use of violence by people who identify themselves as members of a group against other individuals and have political, economic, or social objectives. In Chile, the ?Social ...
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Pablo Cabrera-Barona, Denise Albán and Gustavo Durán
The Amazon has a population that is largely urban. However, research is limited regarding representations and analysis of the urban Amazon. This article represents and describes Amazonian urban areas by applying a multicriteria urbanization index. Using ...
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Matthias Langer, David Durán-Rodas, Elias Pajares
Pág. 87 - 104
While discussions are ongoing about the exact meaning of car dependence, its assessment has been primarily qualitative. The few quantitative approaches adopted so far have tended to analyze either high car use and ownership or a lack of public transport ...
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