Juan Luis Rivas Navarro,Belén Bravo Rodríguez,Carolina Curiel Sanz
Pág. 115 - 150
Edinson Cornejo-Saavedra, Luis Améstica-Rivas
Pág. 097
Eduardo Cortés, Jorge Rivas
Estudio que se adentra en algunos aspectos de la cultura popular urbana caracterizables hacia comienzos de 1900 en Santiago, tales como el apogeo y quiebre del movimiento obrero popular, la huelga de la carne en 1905, la huelga ferroviaria en 1907, entre...
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Juan Nunez-Portillo, Alfonso Valenzuela, Antonio Franco and Damián Rivas
This paper presents an approach for integrating uncertainty information in air traffic flow management at the tactical phase. In particular, probabilistic methodologies to predict sector demand and sector congestion under adverse weather in a time horizo...
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Pablo Rivas and Liang Zhao
ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot platform that enables human users to converse with machines. It utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, transforming how people interact with AI technology. ChatGPT offers significant advanta...
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Jonatan Pendiuk, María Florencia Degano, Luis Guarracino and Raúl Eduardo Rivas
The practical utility of remote sensing techniques depends on their validation with ground-truth data. Validation requires similar spatial-temporal scales for ground measurements and remote sensing resolution. Evapotranspiration (ET) estimates are common...
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Ignacio Grávalos Lacambra, Patrizia Di Monte, Félix A. Rivas González
Pág. 53 - 72
Flavio Roberto Durón-González, Luis Arturo Rivas-Tovar, Magali Cárdenas-Tapia
Pág. e19021
Ana C. Gonçalves, Ana R. Nunes, Sara Meirinho, Miguel Ayuso-Calles, Rocío Roca-Couso, Raúl Rivas, Amílcar Falcão, Gilberto Alves, Luís R. Silva and José David Flores-Félix
This work analyses the biological potential of blueberries and sweet cherries in several dimensions of human health, reinforcing the research on the benefits of consumption of these fruits.
Edwin Rafael Alvarado-Ramírez, Gilberto Ballesteros-Rodea, Abdelfattah Zeidan Mohamed Salem, José Reyes-Hernández, Camelia Alejandra Herrera-Corredor, Javier Hernández-Meléndez, Andrés Gilberto Limas-Martínez, Daniel López-Aguirre and Marco Antonio Rivas-Jacobo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the genotype on the chemical composition, feeding value and in vitro rumen degradability of fresh and ensiled forage of four native maize varieties (Amarillo, Olotillo, Tampiqueño and Tuxpeño) fro...
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