Pierre Delullier, Laurent Calvez, Guillaume Druart, Florence De La Barrière, Christophe Humbert, Bertrand Poumellec and Matthieu Lancry
Chalcogenide glasses are increasingly being developed for photonic applications, particularly in the field of mid-infrared optical imaging. In this paper, we study the photosensitivity of one chalcogenide to direct femtosecond laser writing and its possi...
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Moritz Schott, Asher Yair Grinberger, Sven Lautenbach and Alexander Zipf
The collaborative nature of activities in Web 2.0 projects leads to the formation of online communities. To reinforce this community, these projects often rely on happenings centred around data creation and curation activities. We suggest an integrated f...
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Carla S. S. Gouveia, Vincent Lebot and Miguel Pinheiro de Carvalho
Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) are important food crops worldwide, whose productivity is threatened by climatic constraints, namely drought. Data calibration, validation, and model development of high-...
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Lílian de Lima Braga,Priscyla Maria Silva Rodrigues,Yule Roberta Ferreira Nunes,Maria das Dores Magalhães Veloso
Pág. 391 - 399
http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509814577Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a germinação e a capacidade de armazenamento de diásporos de <i>Astronium fraxinifolium</i>. Para o experimento de germinação, utilizaram-se seis tratamentos pré-...
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Juan Carlos Hallak andPeter K. Schott
Pág. 417 - 474
Andrew B. Bernard, Stephen J. Redding, and Peter K. Schott
Pág. 1271 - 1318
Francisco Tarcísio Alves Junior,Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira,José Antônio Aleixo da Silva,Luiz Carlos Marangon,Roberto Felix Costa Junior,Shirley de Oliveira Silva
Pág. 307 - 319
Grande parte da biodiversidade do ecossistema das florestas tropicais está se perdendo, antes mesmo que se tenha inteiro conhecimento de sua riqueza natural, assim, torna-se importante a realização de estudos, a fim de propiciar o conhecimento e a manute...
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Thomas Schøtt
Pág. pp. 195 - 214
In this paper we compare the coupling between entrepreneurship policy andentrepreneurship activity in developed and developing countries. Using newinstitutional arguments, we argue that developing countries are prone toimplement policies that (1) are bas...
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Karlsson, Andreas
Pág. 226
Wegliane Campelo da Silva,Luiz Carlos Marangon,Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira,Ana Lícia Patriota Feliciano,Roberto Felix Costa Junior
Pág. 321 - 331
O estudo foi desenvolvido no fragmento denominado Mata das Galinhas, situado no município de Catende - PE, na mesorregião da mata pernambucana, mais precisamente na microrregião da mata úmida, a 142 Km da capital, nas coordenadas 8º69'06"S e 35º69'08" W,...
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