Almatbek Kydyrbekuly, Algazy Zhauyt and Gulama-Garip Alisher Ibrayev
The generalized dynamic model of the rotor system, presented in this paper, is the first model that takes into account the interconnected oscillations of the ?rotor?weakly conductive fluid?foundation? system under the action of parameters such as fluid a...
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Nolan M. Uchizono, Adam L. Collins, Anirudh Thuppul, Peter L. Wright, Daniel Q. Eckhardt, John Ziemer and Richard E. Wirz
Electrospray thruster life and mission performance are strongly influenced by grid impingement, the extent of which can be correlated with emission modes that occur at steady-state extraction voltages, and thruster command transients. Most notably, we ex...
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Klaus Morawetz
The velocity profile in a water bridge is reanalyzed. Assuming hypothetically that the bulk charge has a radial distribution, a surface potential is formed that is analogous to the Zeta potential. The Navier?Stokes equation is solved, neglecting the conv...
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Elmar C. Fuchs
In 1893 Sir William Armstrong placed a cotton thread between two wine glasses filled with chemically pure water. After applying a high voltage, a watery connection formed, and after some time, the cotton thread was pulled into one of the glasses, leaving...
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