António Carlos Pinheiro Fernandes, Luís Filipe Sanches Fernandes, Daniela Patrícia Salgado Terêncio, Rui Manuel Vitor Cortes and Fernando António Leal Pacheco
Interactions between pollution sources, water contamination, and ecological integrity are complex phenomena and hard to access. To comprehend this subject of study, it is crucial to use advanced statistical tools, which can unveil cause-effect relationsh...
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Lihong Wang, Tianxiao Li, Hui Liu, Zuowei Zhang, Aizheng Yang and Hongyu Li
Global climate warming and increased climate variability may increase the number of annual freeze?thaw cycles (FTCs) in temperate zones. The occurrence of more frequent FTCs is predicted to influence soil carbon and nitrogen cycles and increase nitrogen ...
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Gita Partiwi, Yuliani Dwi Lestari
Pág. 1162 - 1171
In recent years, horizontal collaboration in logistics is believed to positively impact business performance by reducing cost and increasing fulfillment rates. However, the implementation of horizontal collaborative logistics in MSME clusters in Indonesi...
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Lela Rospida,Kamaludin Kamaludin,Mochamad Ridwan
Pág. 140 - 146
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of father characteristics, mother characteristics, household characteristics, child labor characteristics, and community, on work time of child labor in Bengkulu City. This research uses primary data...
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Arwan Gunawan,Winwin Yadiati,Harry Suharman,K. Poppy Sofia
Pág. 304 - 316
This Study aims to examine the effect of budgetary control on the performance of budgetary absorption. The Research method used was a survey of a population comprising 548 provincial/Regency/city governments in Indonesia with 231 samples. Primary data co...
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Duwi Agustina,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)Ayu Wulandari,(Universitas Bangka BelitungIndonesia)
Pág. 277 - 291
The purpose of this study was to test empirically the influence of the variable of village apparatus capability, organizational commitment, implementation of SISKEUDES and BPD supervision on village financial management. This study also aims to determine...
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Nilvane Boehm Manthey,Miguel Angel Verdinelli,Carlos Ricardo Rossetto,Carlos Eduardo Carvalho
Pág. 311 - 341
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a relação da capacidade de inovação com o desempenho da inovação de produto de PMEs do setor industrial têxtil de Santa Catarina. Quanto à metodologia, a pesquisa caracteriza-se como explicativa e quanto aos meios de ...
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Leksmono Suryo Putranto,Joewono Prasetijo,N.P.S.E. Setyarini
Pág. 11 - 21
Motorcycle ownership and use increased rapidly in Indonesian cities in recent years. People could not cope with severe congestion due to unsatisfactory public transport and uncontrolled land use delopment. This led to motorcycle use for almost any trip. ...
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Sergio Silva Braga Junior,Dirceu da Silva,Evandro Luiz Lopes,Marcos Antônio Gaspar
Pág. 1 - 25
A preocupação ambiental influencia a intenção de compra para produtos verdes no varejo? Com o objetivo de avaliar se o consumidor apresenta intenção de compra para produtos verdes no varejo, no presente estudo buscou-se analisar a influência da preocupaç...
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