Montaña Jiménez-Espada, Francisco Manuel Martínez García and Rafael González-Escobar
Among the priority concerns that figure in the public manager?s portfolio, the existing problems in cities when planning a more efficient management of urban space are well known. Within the wide range of reflections that local corporations consider, one...
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Ana Martí-Testón, Adolfo Muñoz, Luis Gracia and J. Ernesto Solanes
In recent years, there has been a surge of Metaverse applications and tools striving to capture the attention of both the general public and businesses, with a particularly strong potential within the tourism sector. However, there has been significant c...
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Asifiwe Kyando, Abdiel Abayo, Gwahula Raphael
Pág. 205 - 221
João Tiago Silveira, Tiago Fidalgo de Freitas, Gonçalo Fabião and Miguel Assis Raimundo
The present paper intends to provide an overview and a critical assessment of the administrative simplification policies implemented in Portugal over the past 20+ years. Throughout these decades, the major instruments for administrative simplification ha...
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Peter Cihon, Jonas Schuett and Seth D. Baum
Corporations play a major role in artificial intelligence (AI) research, development, and deployment, with profound consequences for society. This paper surveys opportunities to improve how corporations govern their AI activities so as to better advance ...
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Paul Seen Ng
Pág. 40 - 78
This article is an intrinsic case study of the bureaucratic elites in Singapore, specifically on the military elites? post-retirement career patterns. Using original data, this article empirically illustrates that around half of the military elites trans...
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Daniel Botez,Anatol Melega
Internal auditing plays an important part in the management of corporations, but it has also proved necessary in the more general framework of public interest entities, especially listed entities, given the importance of their activity in society. The di...
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Jaqueline do Nascimento Cruz,Marcel Theodoor Hazeu
Pág. 28 - 48
A Amazônia é um hidroterritório e um bioma que comporta milhares de pessoas, espécies da fauna e flora. O Rio Dendê, em Barcarena-Pará, faz parte deste cenário. Este rio é palco de conflitos de interesses entre empresas transnacionais, o estado e comunid...
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Jianxiao Liu, Wenzhong Shi and Pengfei Chen
Research has shown that the growing holiday travel demand in modern society has a significant influence on daily travel patterns. However, few studies have focused on the distinctness of travel patterns during a holiday season and as a specified case, tr...
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Elisa Rossi, Cinzia Rubattino and Gianluigi Viscusi
Big data and analytics have received great attention from practitioners and academics, nowadays representing a key resource for the renewed interest in artificial intelligence, especially for machine learning techniques. In this article we explore the us...
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