Toni Utech, Tobias Neef, Viktor Mechtcherine and Christina Scheffler
Nature provides various templates for integrating organic and inorganic materials to create high-performance composites. Biological structures such as nacre and the structural elements of the glass sponge are built up in layers, leading to remarkable fra...
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Michael Frenzel, Enrico Baumgärtel, Steffen Marx and Manfred Curbach
This article presents the cracking and load-bearing behaviour of carbon-reinforced prismatic concrete tensile specimens. Grids with different geometries and impregnations were used as carbon reinforcement. In addition, the roving surfaces were partially ...
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Yan Han, Xiaoxing Yan and Yu Tao
Embedding melamine-formaldehyde (MF) resin-coated shellac microcapsules in waterborne coatings can extend the service longevity of waterborne coatings on a wood surface to a certain extent. Due to the content limitation of self-repairing microcapsules in...
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Anna Rabajczyk, Maria Zielecka and Daniel Maloziec
In the construction industry, a variety wooden products have been used for thousands of years, according to demand, accessibility/availability, and customers? requirements. Wood is a preferred material due to its large range of properties, depending on t...
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