33   Artículos

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Hans Ulrik Riisgård    
Sponges have always been filter feeders, in contrast to all the other filter-feeding invertebrate groups for which this feeding mode is a secondary adaptation. This study calls attention to this aspect, which explains why sponges are tolerant to hypoxia,... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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Hans Ulrik Riisgård and Poul S. Larsen    
Sponges are one of the earliest-evolved and simplest groups of animals, but they share basic characteristics with more advanced and later-evolved filter-feeding invertebrates, such as mussels. Sponges are abundant in many coastal regions where they filte... ver más
Revista: Journal of Marine Science and Engineering    Formato: Electrónico

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S?l?khiddin Sh?kh?biddin?vich ?v?zkh?dj??v,Dilsh?d Nurill?kh?n?vich Mur?d?v     Pág. 214 - 230
This study inv?stig?t?s hyp?th?sis th?t ?xch?ng? r?t? risk m?y h?v? an ?ff?ct ?n ?xp?rts f?r several ?m?rging m?rk?t ?c?n?mi?s namely, Br?zil, Russi?, Indi?, Chin? ?nd S?uth ?fric?, which ?r? ?ls? c?ll?d th? BRICS. W? employ th? multiv?ri?t? G?RCH-in-m??... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues    Formato: Electrónico

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Imr?n Arshad     Pág. 1 - 13
In ?r?s?nt r?s??r?h w?rk ? sl?v? ?r?gr?m (S???/W) ?f ? G??-Sl??? S?ftw?r?, w?s us?d t? ??m?ut? th? s????g? flux ?nd ?xit gr?di?nt und?r Jinn?h b?rr?g? w?ir f?und?ti?n. 2-D F? m?del w?s g?n?r?t?d by using f?ur ty?es ?f ?l?m?nts, i.?. tri?ngul?r, squ?r?, r... ver más
Revista: International Journal of Alternative Fuels and Energy    Formato: Electrónico

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Luis Henrique Batista Gois    
O  s e r  h u m a n o  s e  e n c o n t r a  e x p o s t o  a  d i v e r s o s  t i p o s  d e  r i s c os  c o m  r e c o n h e c i d o s  e f e i t o s  à  s a ú d e . O s ... ver más
Revista: Revista Eletrônica de Gestão e Tecnologias Ambientais    Formato: Electrónico

usuarios registrados
J F R Lues, M M Theron, P Venter, M H R Rasephei     Pág. 142 - 149
Revista: POULTRY SCIENCE    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Khan, Mohamed F R    
Revista: JOURNAL OF SUGAR BEET RESEARCH    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Haagenson, Darrin M Klotz, Karen L Campbell, Larry G Khan, Mohamed F R    
Revista: JOURNAL OF SUGAR BEET RESEARCH    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Bradley, Carl A Khan, Mohamed F R    
Revista: JOURNAL OF SUGAR BEET RESEARCH    Formato: Impreso

usuarios registrados
Daws, M I, Orr, D, Burslem, D F R P, Mullins, C E    
Revista: SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY    Formato: Impreso

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