Alexey Pashchenko, Oleksandr Gritsunov, Oksana Babichenko
Pág. 176 - 185
The subject of research in the article is the energy spectrum of a multilayer quantum sized structure with an energy profile of a complex shape. The goal of this work is to study the interaction of quantum-confined and quasi- continuum energy states of p...
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Andreas Lubatsch and Regine Frank
We implement externally excited ZnO Mie resonators in a framework of a generalized Hubbard Hamiltonian to investigate the lifetimes of excitons and exciton-polaritons out of thermodynamical equilibrium. Our results are derived by a Floquet-Keldysh-Green?...
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Irina Belyaeva,Nikalay Chekanov,Natalia Chekanova,Igor Kirichenko,Oleg Ptashny,Tetyana Yarkho
Pág. 43 - 52
The Green?s function is widely used in solving boundary value problems for differential equations, to which many mathematical and physical problems are reduced. In particular, solutions of partial differential equations by the Fourier method are reduced ...
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Andreas Lubatsch and Regine Frank
The spatial formation of coherent random laser modes in strongly scattering disordered random media is a central feature in the understanding of the physics of random lasers. We derive a quantum field theoretical method for random lasing in disordered sa...
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Joshua Mann, Gerard Lawler and James Rosenzweig
Electron rescattering has been well studied and simulated for cases with ponderomotive energies of the quasi-free electrons, derived from laser?gas and laser?surface interactions, lower than 50 eV. However, with advents in longer wavelengths and laser fi...
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Shantena A. Sabbadini and Giuseppe Vitiello
The entanglement phenomenon plays a central role in quantum optics and in basic aspects of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. We review the dissipative quantum model of brain and the role of the entanglement in the brain-mind activity correlatio...
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Chiara Zanchi, Giovanna Longhi, Sergio Abbate, Giovanni Pellegrini, Paolo Biagioni and Matteo Tommasini
We re-examine the theory of electronic and vibrational circular dichroism spectroscopy in terms of the formalism of frequency-dependent molecular polarizabilities. We show the link between Fermi?s gold rule in circular dichroism and the trace of the comp...
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Alberto Cappellaro and Luca Salasnich
We present a field-theory description of ultracold bosonic atoms in the presence of a disordered external potential. By means of functional integration techniques, we aim to investigate and review the interplay between disordered energy landscapes and fl...
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Theo van Holten
This paper addresses the long-standing question of how it may be explained that the three charged leptons (the electron, muon and tau particle) have different masses, despite their conformity in other respects. In the field of Emergent Quantum Mechanics ...
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Luca Salasnich
We consider a dilute and ultracold bosonic gas of weakly-interacting atoms. Within the framework of quantum field theory, we derive a zero-temperature modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation with beyond-mean-field corrections due to quantum depletion an...
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