6   Artículos

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Xiaoyu Liu, Wenqian Peng, Liuyin Xie and Xiang Zhang    
In this paper, a novel bat algorithm based on the quantum computing concept and pyramid neural network (PNN) is presented and applied to the electromagnetic motor optimization problem. Due to the problems of high loss, high temperature rise and threateni... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Jahedul Islam, Berihun Mamo Negash, Pandian M. Vasant, Nafize Ishtiaque Hossain and Junzo Watada    
The high dimensional, multimodal, and discontinuous well placement optimization is one of the main difficult factors in the development process of conventional as well as shale gas reservoir, and to optimize this problem, metaheuristic techniques still s... ver más
Revista: Applied Sciences    Formato: Electrónico

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Smarajit Ghosh, Manvir Kaur, Suman Bhullar and Vinod Karar    
The main objective of short-term hydrothermal scheduling is the optimal allocation of the hydro and thermal generating units, so that the total cost of thermal plants can be minimized. The time of operation of the functioning units are considered to be 2... ver más
Revista: Energies    Formato: Electrónico

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Ming-Wei Li, Jing Geng, Shumei Wang and Wei-Chiang Hong    
Hybridizing evolutionary algorithms with a support vector regression (SVR) model to conduct the electric load forecasting has demonstrated the superiorities in forecasting accuracy improvements. The recently proposed bat algorithm (BA), compared with cla... ver más
Revista: Energies    Formato: Electrónico

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