Hauke Witte, Christoph Bode and Jens Friedrichs
Typically installed in a rotor-only configuration, low-pressure axial fans discharge directly into a free atmosphere and the discharge shows a strong swirl component. Since such designs, without guide vanes, cannot convert the dynamic pressure in the swi...
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Guillermo Hauke and Jorge Lanzarote
This paper compares two strategies to compute buoyancy-driven flows using stabilized methods. Both formulations are based on a unified approach for solving compressible and incompressible flows, which solves the continuity, momentum, and total energy equ...
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Lutz Fleischhauer, Dominique Muschter, Zsuzsanna Farkas, Susanne Grässel, Attila Aszodi, Hauke Clausen-Schaumann and Paolo Alberton
Nano-scale IT-AFM is a sensitive tool to monitor biomechanical changes during the course of PT-OA.
Jonas Foret, Daniel Franke, Fabian Klausmann, Alexandra Schneider, Heinz-Peter Schiffer, Bernd Becker and Hauke Müller
This paper experimentally investigates a highly-loaded 1.5-stage transonic axial compressor, which comprises a variable inlet guide vane, a BLISK rotor, and a variable stator in tandem arrangement. A detailed comparison between the newly designed compres...
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Noritsune Kawaharada, Lennart Thimm, Toni Dageförde, Karsten Gröger, Hauke Hansen and Friedrich Dinkelacker
High pressure diesel injection systems.
Shannon Nudds, Youyu Lu, Simon Higginson, Susan P. Haigh, Jean-Philippe Paquin, Mitchell O?Flaherty-Sproul, Stephanne Taylor, Hauke Blanken, Guillaume Marcotte, Gregory C. Smith, Natacha B. Bernier, Phillip MacAulay, Yongsheng Wu, Li Zhai, Xianmin Hu, Jérôme Chanut, Michael Dunphy, Frédéric Dupont, David Greenberg, Fraser J. M. Davidson and Fred Pageadd Show full author list remove Hide full author list
The oceanography sub-initiative of Canada?s Oceans Protection Plan was tasked to develop high-resolution nearshore ocean models for enhanced marine safety and emergency response, fitting into the multi-scale, multi-level nested operational ocean forecast...
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Daniel Johnston, Hauke Egermann and Gavin Kearney
Virtual Reality (VR) has been an active area of research in the development of interactive interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) for over two decades. These immersive environments create a safe platform in which therapy can ad...
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Gregor Steinbrügge, Teresa Steinke, Robin Thor, Alexander Stark and Hauke Hussmann
Jupiter?s moon Ganymede might be in possession of a subsurface ocean located between two ice layers. However, from Galileo data it is not possible to unambiguously infer the thickness and densities of the individual layers. The upcoming icy satellite mis...
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Awati, Ajay, Konstantinov, Sergey R, Williams, Barbara A, Akkermans, Antoon D L, Bosch, Marlou W, Smidt, Hauke, Verstegen, Martin W A
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