Sien Dieltiens, Frederik Debrouwere, Marc Juwet and Eric Demeester
Increasingly more people cycle with electrically-powered pedal assistance. The reduced pedalling effort attracts physically challenged people and seniors, who have a higher risk of falling. Since electric bicycles are heavier and the centre of masses are...
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Mauricio Carvallo Aceves, Musandji Fuamba
Pág. 1 - 14
The implementation of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) could help re-establish the natural hydrological cycle of watersheds after urbanization, with each BMP presenting a different performance across a range of criteria (flood prevention, poll...
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Mauricio Carvallo Aceves, Musandji Fuamba
Pág. 1 - 19
The selection of stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) for mitigating the effects of urbanization on the hydrological cycle could be a complex process due to conflicting stakeholder views, and varying levels of performance of BMPs across a range of...
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João Vianey Fernandes Pimentel,Hugo Orlando Carvallo Guerra
Pág. 771 - 780
http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509819681O cumaru (Amburana cearensis (Allem.) A. C. Smith) é uma espécie nativa do semiárido brasileiro que apresenta múltiplas utilidades como madeira de boa qualidade e contém princípio ativo que pode ser utilizado nas in...
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Carvallo, Juan Pablo; Franch, Xavier; Quer, Carme
Pág. 84 - 94
Tena, Juan de Dios; Jerez, Miguel; Sotoca, Sonia; Carvallo, Nicole
Franch, X. Carvallo, J. P.
Pág. 34 - 41
Garcià, J A; Fuente, M L De la; Pedro, J C; Carvallo, N B; Newport, Y;
Pág. 545 - 548
Juan Manuel Baraona Sainz
Pág. pp. 5 - 6
K. Rusch, G. Montes, J. Bobrik, A. Acchiardi, C.G. Carvallo
Pág. 253 - 257
Influencia de producción láctea, edad y alteraciones puerperales en los niveles sericos de transaminasa glutamica oxaloacetica y colesterol total en vacas en el último tercio de la gestación