Yiwei Feng and Zong Ma
In this paper, a multivariable linear integral feedback regulation controller for a microgrid was proposed. Considering that the nominal structure model of the inverter could not effectively and in a timely manner deal with the impact of filter parameter...
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Xin Tian, Lianhong Zhang and Hongwei Zhang
The sailing efficiency of an underwater glider, an important type of marine environment detection and data collection equipment, directly affects its range and duration. The zero-angle-of-attack gliding can be achieved by adjusting the wing installation ...
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Lucy Blondell, Mark Z. Kos, John Blangero and Harald H. H. Göring
Statistical analysis of multinomial data in complex datasets often requires estimation of the multivariate normal (mvn) distribution for models in which the dimensionality can easily reach 10?1000 and higher. Few algorithms for estimating the mvn distrib...
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Alvise Benetazzo, Francesco Barbariol and Silvio Davison
There is general consensus that accurate model predictions of extreme wave events during marine storms can substantially contribute to avoiding or minimizing human losses and material damage. Reliable wave forecasts and hindcasts, together with statistic...
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Swantje Romig, Luc Jaulin and Andreas Rauh
In recent years, many applications, as well as theoretical properties of interval analysis have been investigated. Without any claim for completeness, such applications and methodologies range from enclosing the effect of round-off errors in highly accur...
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Mamadou Sadio, Edward J. Anthony, Amadou Tahirou Diaw, Philippe Dussouillez, Jules T. Fleury, Alioune Kane, Rafael Almar, Elodie Kestenare
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The Senegal River delta in West Africa, one of the finest examples of ?wave-influenced? deltas, is bounded by a spit periodically breached by waves, each breach then acting as a shifting mouth of the Senegal River. Using European Re-Analysis (ERA) hindca...
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