Patricia Simone Palhana Moreira,Rivanildo Dallacort,Edinéia Aparecida dos Santos Galvanin,Ronaldo José Neves,Marco Antonio Camillo de Carvalho,João Danilo Barbieri
As variáveis meteorológicas estão entre os fatores que influenciam em todos os setores da sociedade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o ciclo diário de variáveis meteorológicas nos diferentes biomas do estado de Mato Grosso. Para tanto, foram utili...
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Higor Costa de Brito, Iana Alexandra Alves Rufino, Mauro Normando Macedo Barros Filho and Ronaldo Amâncio Meneses
In the face of urban expansion, ensuring sustainable water consumption is paramount. This study aims to develop a domestic water demand forecast model that considers population heterogeneity and the urban area distribution in a city in the Brazilian Semi...
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Ronaldo Serrano, Ckristian Duran, Marco Sarmiento, Tuan-Kiet Dang, Trong-Thuc Hoang and Cong-Kha Pham
Hardware acceleration of cryptography algorithms represents an emerging approach to obtain benefits in terms of speed and side-channel resistance compared to software implementations. In addition, a hardware implementation can provide the possibility of ...
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Ronaldo Figueiró
Capa e corpo editorial
Jair A. Baldovino, Ronaldo Izzo and Abdullah Ekinci
Soils from the superficial layers of the Guabirotuba formation (in Brazil) are problematic due to their expansive and low-bearing capacity. Stabilizing these soils with a calcium-based binder is a technique that must be explored. Therefore, this study ai...
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Febby Ronaldo, Amang Sudarsono, Dadet Pramadihanto
Pág. 120 - 135
Drone technology is considered the most effective solution for the improvement of various industrial fields. As a delivery service, drones need a secure communication system that is also able to manage all of the information data in real-time. Howe...
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Ronaldo Couto Parente,Ilan Avrichir
Pág. 12 - 18
Mateus Mota dos Santos, Francisca Zilania Mariano, Ronaldo de Albuquerque e Arraes, Celina Santos de Oliveira
Pág. 415 - 452
Ronaldo Leão de Miranda,Péricles Ewaldo Jader Pereira,Antonio Ronaldo Madeira de Carvalho,Luciano Castro de Carvalho
Pág. 01 - 16
A percepção de justiça organizacional tem se mostrado uma variável de grande poder heurístico para explicar comportamentos, atitudes e eficácia nas organizações. O local de trabalho tem se tornado cada vez mais um campo de estresse, injustiças e conflito...
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Ronaldo Figueiró
Capa e corpo editorial